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Low-end Frequencies, Gold, Jewels, Bees, Politics, Rum, Skunk, History, Cakes, Art, Excitement and Danger
Other bass players, pirates, Marxists and wildlife
My favourite band is Cream Tangerine. I play Bass for a band called Cream Tangerine. I also like Daft Punk, Kasabian, The Drumlake Experiment, Cake (the band and the food), Weezer, Cassetteboy, Manu Chao, and I'm very fond of Sea-Shanties.
Indiana Jones
Chris Morris is a genius. Nuff said.
Collin's Pocket Gem Dictionary, Guerilla Warfare, Treasure Island, The Anarchists Cookbook, 1984, Animal Farm
Fidel Castro, Darth Vader, Hugo Chavez, Blackbeard, Evo Morales