My wife Jessica. My son Zavier. I like to surf, skate and snowboard. Ride motorcycle. Swim and mountainbike, hike and climb. I like to cook and eat. Read and listen to good music, loud and/or live. I love to go super fast and general hellraising. I try to go off without bothering or endangering anyone at all times. I practice patience by working in a large corporate scenario with lots of drama and pomp. I love my family, I like my work.
see: Heroes down further on this page.
Words to live by:
I am not afraid.
Waiting and wanting IS NOT resting and planning and vice versa
Discretion is the greater part of valor
Hesitation is disaster...He who hesitates is lost. If you had to think about it, you took too long
Righty tighty Lefty loosey
Big and strong can't go wrong
I reserve the right to ignore you
In case of cops every man for himself, tell the truth, don't do bad things
If you wanna dance you gotta pay the band
You do not have to be able to sing to be a rock star
Don't fight....share.
If it doesn't fit force it, if it breaks buy a better new one
Anybody can be cool and die
An argument is not a dispute, but sometimes evolves (or devolves) into one
Being alone is better than being unhappy in a relationship.
Right is always right or right is right, I can't decide
One person's ripe is another person's rotten
Masturbation is natural, look where god made your hands dangle.
Mean, abusive and disrespectful people get theirs in the end
Think twice…talk once
Be careful who you believe
I hate it when girls play hard to figure out
Cleanliness is, in fact, next to godliness
Learn square, hitch, truckers, and slip and figure eight knot and the sheet bend, know how to slide down a rope
You don't have to lie to make friends
Don't waste time, its priceless
If it'll take care of it
Sunscreen will stop a lot of problems
If you've got nothing, you've got nothing to lose
Nobody likes arguing with a good example
Clowns are spooky and on list of things that suck
Write lists, cross off what you have finished, keep track of what you accomplish
If you don't have anything nice to say, shut the hell up
No matter where you go, there you are
Wet is fine, cold is okay...Wet and cold is really bad
I reserve the right to ignore you
Point downhill, bend your knees, spread you wings, haul you can surf, skate and snowboard
Things always get harder near the end of the task. If your task is becoming difficult you may be nearing the end, take heart.
Ready....and forward
Semper Paratus
There are no problems, just solutions in the wrong order
You can choose who is in your movie, and whose movies you are in. Never forget that
If it's yellow let it mellow, if its brown flush it down
Its not a burn on me if I don't get it.
The greater part of ingenuity is simplicity
Always take the money, if you decide to give it back later that's fine. No one wants to pay more later and you will have better luck in the beginning. If someone says,"Should I give you money now?" Always answer yes. If they say, "I will give you the cash right now." Take it. You can always give it back, but with the money you have that possession. Which is reputed to be nine tenths of the law.
Stay limber. Always stretch and do isometric excercises and something aerobic at least every other day.
Mr. Niceguy never wins in the short run, never loses in the long run
Drink lots of water. A lot. Often.
Sound waves move faster in steel than in air
Be nice. Be happy. Beware.
Function so ------- far over fashion, the air is thin
Know how to get out if you have to leave in a hurry
Deserve. Desire. Expect
If you are planning for one year plant rice. If you are planning for ten years plant trees. If you are planning for 100 years, educate children
Know how to work a gps
Avoid self-destructive behavior patterns
Genius has its bounds, stupidity is limitless
Time is God's way of keeping everything from happening at once
Better to die on your feet than live on your knees
Trust your instincts, but check their accuracy regularly
A swindler is worse than a thief
Never trust a cat, or live without one.
We'll see who's over packed later.
I release any need for punishment, I let go and let life flow through me, I am one with all of life, I welcome my experiences with joy
Be careful when the fuse is lit
God is perfect, man is not, man made whiskey, God made pot
I am not anti....I dig the other things
Accept mediocrity for what it is
Avoid drug induced character eclipses
Learn how to swim really well, most of the world is water
Tell it like it is.
Get layered or die like other non-intelligent life forms
Self control often resembles weakness, and often overcomes strength
The best things in life aren't things
Read. Read. Read. Keep a journal. Read
It is rare to find love at a bar, look elsewhere
Stay calm, take deep breaths, focus....its okay, the sun will still come up tomorrow
Where do you come from? What do you do? What do you eat? What do you want?
Grin if you sin, I just like the words, I don't sin anymore
You can choose who you work for, but not who you work with
It's all in your mind...and you might be right
Rules will never, and can never replace ethics
Eat right and always be looking to try new food. Go to someone's mom's house for dinner and see what they eat for a favorite meal at home and you will know more about somebody. When you are traveling always try what the locals eat and see what food the area is known for.
Lightning quick...Leather a daredevil
Would you rather burn out in style or fade away at peace. Think twice.
Always invite travelers to eat with you when you cross paths with them. Use your best
judgment when choosing who to invite, but most people are just trying to see the most of your area.
When it gets to be too much, turn it up to 10 and dance till your hair is sweaty and your legs ache
Think before you do what they say
Flashbacks are free...bought and paid for...enjoy them
Just sound it out
Water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212. The difference between the two is 180 degrees. It happens to be a number that is divisible by many other numbers. Its easier to make fractions. Anyway. Take the F number and subtract 32. Then multiply by five ninths. That is your C number. If you have a celsius number you multiply by nine fifths and add 32.
Be aware of your surroundings. Things change quickly. Always know where you are and what time it is. Anticipate downturns in the safety coefficient.
Acknowledge your ignorance
You can console and assist without advising
Opportunity is when chance meets a decision
Tact is the art of letting someone have your way
Everyone wants to be excited for free.
Defy authority
Don't tell someone how to do something, tell them what you want and let them amaze you with their ingenuity
Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want
Comfort the lame
Women go out the way they come in (because I am a man. The first word can be any word describing a member of a relationship).
The circus still plays with one less monkey.
Never early always late, no matter what you gotta wait
Big brother is so watching
The price of freedom is constant vigilance
Hork No Poo
The triangle is the strongest geometric shape.
Chicks are bitches, guys are assholes
The urge to destroy is also a creative urge
You can go 3 weeks no food, 3 days no water, 3 minutes no air
SOS is dash dash dash dot dot dot dash dash dash or ---...---
Three equally spaced, equally loud, distinctive noises means you need help
Always carry a pocket knife. Sharp steel has many uses.
Our world is angry
Girls use sex to get love, guys use love to get sex
You can deny people access to your audience
Its good business sense to always round up
Hold a knife at twenty degrees to sharpen it
A good defense is very often a good offense
No hurries, no worries
If you want to know where a man is going, watch his hips
Do not mourn the dead, thank god they ever lived.
Try to get what you want, but ALWAYS want what you get
A sword rattling in its scabbard makes more noise than one that is drawn and swinging. Do not always fear the noisy one. Watch the quiet one in the back.
Its not a skirt, its a kilt
If I am bothering you, you can leave
You must destroy to create
I am Zac
I have 800 CD's. I think the musician should get paid and I bought them all. So I put my money where my mouth is and bought these CD's if they had more than two songs I liked. I like everything from original punk to metal to jazz to classical to oldies to some lame pop to o.g. rap to techno to emo shit, surf music, rockabilly, ska, raggae. Want to talk music? I have many opinions and have been around and involved in music for a long time. Let's talk about music, seriously, I always want to learn more.
Princess Bride, Usual Suspects, Seven, Memento, Fight Club, Jacob’s Ladder, Buckaroo Banzai, Repo Man, Serpent and the Rainbow, Crouching Tiger, Eat Drink Man Woman, Gods Must Be Crazy, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Snatch, Dark Crystal, Time Bandits, Star Wars, Raiders, Silence of the Lambs, Cool Hand Luke, Mad Max/ Road Warrior, Best in Show, Bladerunner, Shawshank Redemption, Papillion, Wind and the Lion, One Flew Over, Good Will Hunting, Highlander, Wizard of Oz, Lawrence of Arabia, Natural Born Killers, Pirates of the Caribbean, Pulp, Kill Bills, Dogs, Close Encounters, The Mechanic, Three Days of the Condor, Magnificent Seven /Samurai, Fugitive, Joe Dirt, Airplane, Shot in the Dark, Early Dirty Harry, Spaghetti Westerns, Willy Wonka, Alice in Wonderland, Strange Brew, Dr. Strangelove, Young Frankenstein, Raising Arizona, Fargo, Clockwork Orange, Get Shorty, The Thin Man, Gladiator, The Raven, Endless Summer, The Jerk, Maltese Falcon, The Party, Citizen Kane, Bullit, Soylent Green, To Kill a Mockingbird, Fantasia, Tron, Casablanca, North by North West, Rear Window, Terminator, Rocky Horror Show, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, Matrix, Lord of the Rings (all), Good, Bad, Ugly, Unforgiven/ Pale Rider, The Third Man, Roshomon, Sean as Bond, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Braveheart, Duck Soup, African Queen, My Man Godfrey, Zorro (D.Fairbanks), Zorro, the Gay Blade, Die Hard, Harvey, It’s a Wonderful Life, Sling Blade, Rio Bravo, Big Lebowski, Ronin, E.T., Hitchcock, Easy Rider?, Mars Attacks, Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, Taxi Driver, FMJ / Platoon, Monty Python Grail, Brian, Jabber, True Romance, Beverly Hills Cop, The Longest Day, Yellow Submarine, It Happened One Night , Ace Ventura, Okay, take that, now try to imagine what I am like. That's messed up. Say something, you read all that, how many do you know? I stand behind every one of these classics, if you don't agree tell me why, I will explain why every one of these movies kicks ass individually and in context amongst its peers.
csi, house, aqua teen hunger force, beavis and butthead, samurai jack, new detectives, Kung Fu, The Fall Guy, O.G. Batman, B&W Perry Mason, Black Sheep Squadron, A-Team, new Kojak, O.G. Bugs and Roadrunner, Shazam and Isis, Emergency, the O.G. Dukes of Hazzard, MASH, Hell's Kitchen. Do you know your tv? a lot of these are no longer televised.
Yeah, I read. I'll get to it later
Shirley Muldowney, Nicola Tesla, Hannibal, Frank Lloyd Wright, Ghandhi, Mark Richards, Bob Zimmerman, Chuck Yeager, Winston Churchill, Evil Kneivel, Eugene Stoner, Bill Donovan, Dale Earnhardt Sr., Sean Connery, My Dad Nicolai, My Father Anchovie, Ferdnand Point, JFK, John Browning, Kenny Roberts Sr., Nelson Mandela, Jimi, Martin Luther King, George S. Patton, Christian Rassineaux, the Flash, Chesty Puller, Tom Curran, Johnny Cash,