I Love rainy days, windy nights, sunny days, going to the mountains, parties, bubbles, flowers, dancing, DJ's, experiencing new things, being silly, dresses, boba, dogs, the beach, laughing, volleyball, scented candles, writing, kids, tattoos, books, libraries, book stores, art, sushi, nature, simplicity, tea, running, working out at the gym, smiles, cooking, baking, music, family, friends, love, life.
I want to meet all kinds of people, that means you! Dont be shy. Introduce yourself, im open to talk to anyone who wants to talk with me.
I love music. Its like air to me, I couldn't live without it.
"Music takes us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets that startle our wonder as to who we are, and for what, whence and where to"-Ralph Waldo Emerson
A good movie to me is a movie that leaves me sitting perfectly still in shock at the end with my mouth slightly opened in awe. I like movies like The Jacket, Domino, Into The Wild, V For Vendetta, Queen of The Damned, Almost Famous, Little Miss Sunshine, Thumbsucker, American Beauty, Garden State, Saw I and II, Scary Movie I and II, Manic, Something New, Identity, Mean Girls, Friday, Wedding Crashers, The New Guy, The Girl Next Door, and many more.
"The Giver" by Lois Lowry
"Alas Babylon" by Pat Frank
"Will You Dance?" by Anette Childs-Oroz
"Winter Fire" by Elizabeth Lowell
"An Open Heart" By The Dalai Lama