Oahu profile picture


Surfin is good for the mind body and the soul!

About Me

Hey! My name is Wes. some my brah's know my as johny tsunami or Oahu but it's all chill. I live in Melbourne Florida near Coco beach. I love it hear because of the beach and the whole beach and surf scene, it's so chill. So i've lived a lot of places and expirienced a lot of things; Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, Florida. I want to expirience everthing in my life time, and I am going to have millions of good memories along the road. Down here in Florida i spend just about every day on the beach chillin wit my brah's and havin ridiculous fun. So if your a chill person and you enjoy a good time you should totally give me a shout and we will chill sometime!~*The Basics*~ --Your full name: Surf Bum Wes --What does it mean?: what it says --Height: 6'1" --Eye color: Hazel --Do you like it?: wouldn't have it any other way --Natural hair colour: brown --Do you like it?: it get's lighter everytime i surf --Gender: male --Religion: Surfist...... Cristian --Race: caucasion --Heritage: polish, italian --Do you like your heritage?: ya --Where do you live?: Coco beach --Have you ever moved cities or countries?: all over the U.S. --Your job: catching the best wave --Do you enjoy it?: ohhhh ya~*Have You Ever*~ --Gone on a blind date?: nah --Flown in an airplane?: ya --Thrown up on an airplane?: nah --Peed your pants after you hit double digits?: man... prolly --Enjoyed Shakespeare?: the movie... hahaha --Been to the opera?: nah --Been to the theatre?: who hasn't --Streaked?: oh hell ya --Seen a streaker?: yup --Been mooned?: yup --Mooned someone?: hmmmm.... "never" --Flipped someone off?: so meaningless.. i just act --Been in a fist fight?: uh...... ya --Been drunk?: "never ever in my life!!" uhhh ignore that last comment i've had a lot to drink tonight. --Had alcohol poisoning?: uh who knows --Been walked in on while you're naked?: ya, who cares --Slept in a snowbank?: ya all to many times --Made a snow angel?: all kindes --Lost any teeth?: youth ones --Been in the hospital?: a lot --Been in a major accident?: life... hahahaha --Burnt yourself?: ya cooking... food rocks --Passed out?: nah --Watched a soap opera you didn't understand?: what kind of ridiculous question is that --Prank called 911?: ya --Made fun of emos?: i make fun of everyone not justy emos --Acted like an emo, just to see what it's like?: no but i have been depressed --Lied to get out of trouble?: back in the day but now just to the law --Started a fire?: in the bed room --Roasted a marshmallow?: helllls ya --Set a marshmallow on fire?: yup --How many times?: a lot --Wanted to drop out of school?: not really --Did you?: nah~*Randoms*~ --Are you single or dating?: single --If single...do you like anyone?: girls that are atractive --Why?: I'm just in to girls what can i say --Do you have a chance with them?: if my --If taken...who?: ... --How long?: ... --Are you happy?: ya I'm surfin in florida who wouldn't be --Why are you taking this survey?: i'm wasted --What school do you go to?: school of hard nocks --Do you like it?: school is involentary --Your school colors?: don't know --Your school teams' name?: uhhh..... --Ever been on a sports team?: yah --Did you enjoy it?: yah --What do you want to be when you grow up?: surf and ski shop owner --Why?: those are my passions --Any plans for the near future?: go to college somewhere in Europe --What are your views on capital punishment?: hahahaha i'm really not in to that kind of kinky stuff --Nuclear weapons?: i don't have one --Euthanasia?: i don't like japanamation --The Canadian government? it oozes over our border like evil maple syrup --The American government?: I'm a surf hippie --The European Union?: i concern my self with things that are important, like whats for lunch. --The UN?: uh --Can you tell me who the Secretary-General of the UN is?: i can tell you who is the most rightous skier is, TJ Shiller --What was your favourite grade of elementary school?: 6th --Why?: the EFT --What are you wearing right now?: Board shorts --Any particular reason why?: there was a hurricane today and the waves were ill!! --What was the last thing you ate?: a wrap --If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: tie-die --How are you feeling today?: stoked --Do you like the room?: yes i jus redid it --Do you own an iPod?: used to --If yes, what kind?: Vedeo --Do you wear glasses or contacts?: uh nah --What's your view on laser eye surgery?:why not --Would you ever consider it?:nah --Weirdest thing about your parents: they are related to me --What did you do this weekend?: Surfed, drank, party, weekend things. --Was it enjoyable?: yah totally --What's your greatest fear?: no fear --Your greatest strength?: being open minded --What country do you fear the most: the U.S. --Have you ever been in a third-world country?: nah --Would you ever want to live in one?: nah --Will poverty ever end?: no --Why or why not?: people are lazy --Will we destroy our own planet?: nah --How? god will --Man--inherently good, or inherently evil?: knowlege of both
Myspace Layouts

My Interests

I absoluotely love the ocean and surf there are verry few things that beat a day on the beach with my brah's. Hangin out witha bunch of bra's is always fun and doing krazy stuff.... but none of that stuff would be possible without "fudage"!!! Money is a lot of fun but it's all about those memories... img

I'd like to meet:

Ya I'm always looking to meet new people, I mean who in thier right mind wouldn't. But ya I like meeting people who are not afraid to be themselves and have great fun. I love meeting people who go to the beach and chill as well as being spontanious. But girls that surf would deff be high on my list.


I always enjoy sublime and bob marley and Damian Marly. On the flip side i also like some gangsta music like rick ross and g-unit, j-z. I also like punk like story of the year, disturbed, senses fail, sum 41, breaking benjermen, linkin park and all kinds of things...
How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex - 100%

Romance - 11%

Self - Control - 87%

Kissing - 49%

Cuddling - 28%

Kinkiness - 91%

This Quiz by KillianO - Taken 2634627 Times. New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes


Movies are a good time...


The Simpsons, Punk'd, Fuse, MTV, that 70's show, southpark, and a whole bunch of others. but to be completely honest I would rather waste my time donig something kooler so i hardly watch tv!


"feed a girl poetry"........lol hahaha


Surf bums... and pepole that are sucsessful... doesn't make much sense does it?