We are in no RUSH to be anything more then what we are now: four dudes playing catchy tunes. We like to think we are alt-rock for the WORKING MAN. We strive to be more then a FLY BY NIGHT band; instead writing songs CLOSER TO THE HEART . Mistletoe stand firm in the quest to summon THE SPIRIT OF RADIO that was collage alternative radio of the late 80's-90's. While some bands crave the LIMELIGHT Mistletoe avoid fashion and choose FREEWILL when writing songs . With Mistletoes first demo they smashed SUBDIVISIONS and wrote songs that were on the heavy and not so heavy side. The band hopes that TIME STANDS STILL for the audience and they just listen, have fun, dance, maybe even sing along and forget about what ever is bothering them. This is a DISTANT EARLY WARNING when we play in your town be ready to rock. We might even fly a RED BARCHETTA to get there....