ahhhummmm...whats there to say about me.....hmmmmm.. basically not that much. or at least not anything interesting. literally. well i like music. theres carpet in my room, its white. oooooooo... weird people facinate me. i used to have a really long hair on my arm, it was an inch and a quarter long, and well it fell off. i was pretty pissed, cuz i was going to try and get the world record for longest random hair on your arm. ahh!! guess what??!!? a new ones grown back!! haha yessss!!i wish i was in chess, but im not, so next year, im totally joining, yeah!! i pretty much think skateboarding is amazing. so this summer im definitely going to try it.i like spatulas, blenders, fanny packs, walking aimlessly around wally-world, creeping people out, stairing at people awkwardly, biking (a lot), playing solitaire haha oh yeah, sheep, super nintendo, cheese, those sweet drink umbrellas, stairing at the carpet, then looking at something else for a second and then quickly look back to see if anything happended, concerts -they're pretty much my all time favorite thing-, finding pennies on the gound, eating nacho cheese sunflower seeds, and lego fruit snacks.
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