Jesika Rae ™ profile picture

Jesika Rae ™

Karma Comes Back Around

About Me

This Is The Story Of A Girl

Well since my old profile got hacked.. I had to start a new one. The basics. My name is Jessica. I am technically a California girl. Born in San Diego.But raised in Chicago .I have blonde hair and blue eyes.. I am basically a barbie with a brain. I have great friends and I would do anything for them. I am THE biggest theater nerd there is. Wicked is my FAVORITE play. Hopefully one day I'll be on stage. 80's Rock is my favorite genere. I am in love with Billy Idol and CC Deville. I'm really big on tattoos. I love my ipod, RIP sidekick peach propel, musicals, tattoos, vitamin water, green tea, PBR, Dive Bars, Fruit, and Disney Movies. :: I HATE.. EX GIRLFRIENDS..they suck :: PeOpLe tHaT TyPe LiKe ThIs..Are you fucking retarted? :: Theres actually ALOT more i hate but i refuse to type them all out here cuz we could go on forever. I'm Awesome, I promise. Myspace For Girls Only -

Yeah, I'm The Girl With The Headband..Is That A Fucking Problem?

K. Didn't Think So ..


8-14-84 to 7-4-08

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet someone who will be understanding, caring, an idiot when needed, someone to make me laugh even when I don't want to, all and all I want someone who will just love me for me.

Annalisa Alina.Brittany. Shaunaface. Dan, what can I say? Who woulda though after the whole you know who fiasco we'd be where we are today <3 You mean so much to me.I.Love.You.

Hillside Prostitutes...Like Britney, But more insane




My Blog

Heres a big Fuck You.

Heres a big Fuck You to the people in my past who have done me wrong, the people that didnt believe in me, the people that fucked me over.Those who cheated on me, who have made me the jealous, worried...
Posted by Jesika Rae ™ on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 10:52:00 PST

Eternal Rest

In April..God took away my favorite uncle. He was more then a uncle.. but more like a second father.  I will always miss him and keep him in my heart and I just hope he knows how proud of him I a...
Posted by Jesika Rae ™ on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 06:27:00 PST

Almost Over. Almost Over.

    This year has been a hectic one. Full of ups and downs. Most of all I just can't wait for it to be over and start a new one. Although not all of this year was bad. I met some amazin...
Posted by Jesika Rae ™ on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 06:12:00 PST

Get the fuck OVER IT

So for some reason today I am just SUPER fucking irritated. I would start a list.. but it would be infinate so instead I will focus on a few. 1. Girls that get all ready to take "Myspace" pictures. Ar...
Posted by Jesika Rae ™ on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:56:00 PST


What do I do anymore? You've put me in a place I never wanted to be. I cry every night...but why? Why? because you mean the world to me. and it kills me that you are willing to throw it away on a few ...
Posted by Jesika Rae ™ on Thu, 17 May 2007 11:08:00 PST