I can tell you things i don't like though-BOOTY DO's-The definition of a BOOTY DO is when your GUT sticks out farther than your BOOTY DO!That's a BOOTY DO! i just can't stand it and there are few females that are it buit let me be the decision maker because some girl say they are when they aren't even close.But my interests Gee let me think VOLLEYBALL IS MY MOST IMPORTANT THING I MEAN I HAVE A FULL RIDE TO PLAY SO I GOTTA TAKE IT SERIOUS RIGHT. YEA SO VOLLEYBALL COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL! THAT'S RIGHT BIACHES I PLAY IN COLLEGE AND OUT IN THE SAND WAS ..1 FOR ALL SUMMER LAST YEAR THIS YEAR I'M ..6 SO WHAT GONNA DO IT PROFESSIONALLY
ANYONE! well maybe not anyone but beasically anyone except killers and murders well ok and no psycho people but anyone else!
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I like all music except country! that stuff sucks so bad its always about cheating and breaking up because my wife cheated on me and than my dog died but i'll stick my boot in your butt where the sun don't shine! (BLAH BLAH BLAH) IT SUCKS!!!! i love rock and rap alot favorite bands are UNWRITTEN LAW, BLINK 182, SHINEDOWN, STORY OF THE YEAR, NEW FOUND GLORY, MATCHBOX 20 (ONLY HAD ONE GREAT CD), SUBLIME (GREAT BAND WISH THE LEAD SINGER DIDN'T DIE), BLOC PARTY, GOOD CHARLOTTE, and of course SIMPLE PLAN.Favorite rap geez i dunno 50 cent is tight so is shady. Snoop's still "sick wit it" and so does DRE. i am starting to like kanye west and TI alot. Wierd! and ludacris is my favorite, but than again so is petey pablo. now i'm gonna say it but missy always has "sic beats" and timberland is crazy good producer.Music Video Codes By VideoCodeZone
Ok ok i dunno how to put this but i am a movie junkie. now what does that mean it means i can seriously quote every movie. its pathetic i know. i own over 800 dvd's! yes OVER 800 and yes i bought every single one (just look at the picture in my pictures) its no joke also that pictures a little old. any way i like all types of movies. To name a few lets see BOONDOCK SAINTS is a great movie also BE COOL and HITCH are pretty funny as well of course ANCHORMAN, DODGEBALL, STARSKY AND HUTCH and OLD SCHOOL are classics. if i gotta go back in the day lets see DAZED AND CONFUSED(I JUST WANNA DANCE!!!)(That's a funny part) POINT BREAK, TOP GUN, COCKTAIL, SPACEBALLS, THE BURBS, and of course SIDEOUT(which is the best sand volleyball movie ever next to Phat Beach! GO Zack Barns!) oh yea gotta go through the trilogy's i'll go with the MATRIX, LORD OF THE RINGS, AND HARRY POTTER and of course the STAR WARS SIXOLOGY(haha dunno if thats how it goes). ALSO the KILL BILL saga was not too shaby. But by far one of the greatest movies ever is the movie GRIND. Also STEP INTO LIQUID which is a great surfing documentary. SAW was a crazy good movie too but only for the first time cause after that i already knew what happened so it wasn't as cool. Now ELF and HAROLD AND KUMAR GO TO WHITE CASTLE are pretty dam funny too! But the most creative and clever movie ever made is TEAM AMERICA WORLD POLICE(its so funny i cried) I gotta say though i love every movie but these are probably my most favorites. As you can see i love all movies and i am a dork a MOVIE GURU or MOVIE SLUT as my friends like to say! It's true what can i say movies keep me CALM!!!!
24 Rocks its the Best tv show next to Law and order SVU and Criminal Intent! Bomb TV shows.
Books? Books? Books?I can tell you something i won't be doing with books!THAT'S READING THEM!!!!!
Legolas from lord of the rings! He's Bomb