If you don't think Jon Stewart is funny, we won't get along. Unless you're my mom.
I still love Clueless. Mean Girls. LOTR. Garden State. Vera Drake. My netflix queue is about 200 movies long and seems to get longer every time I return a movie.
I love procedurals. And, of course, the Daily Show and the Colbert Report.Battlestar Galactica.Also, I want my doctors to look like Hugh Laurie and my superheroes like Milo Vetimiglia.And remember: we're not here to talk nonsense to Bob Loblaw
I recently read 12 trashy mystery novels by the same author in 17 days. Most of those days did not involve airports or beaches. When I was 9 I used to walk into walls and fall down stairs because I refused to stop reading while on the way somewhere else.