Hot girls, dancin' all the time, hangin' out with friends, going clubbin', playin' sports, sunny weather, campin', long random walks, chattin' it up with anyone, deep thoughts, and of course...MySpace :)
Derek, just dance with me ;)
Anything I can dance too is cool. I like alot of hip-hop and rap, but mostly everything from pop to oldies. Even some rock is ok just depends. No country!
Definately comedies and horror movies!! Kinda like my music I like a good variety so it's more like what I don't like...for example chick flicks, but it could be ok if you're with a hot girl haha ;)
I can honestly say I don't watch alot of it, but I do have some favorite shows. House, Friends, American Idol (got hooked on it even without Sanjaya), Seinfeld when it was on, Deal or No Deal, whatever local or national news that's on, Sportscenter, EPSN in general haha, and we can't forget The Office!!
Not a fan, ya...perhaps I should! I can barely stand my textbooks from time to time :P
Michael Jordan, the greatest to ever play the game. Simply dominant and an ultimate competitor!