Jeremy profile picture


The Second Greatest Story Ever Told!

About Me

Well, I'm getting too old to think of all these cool, amazing things to describe me... because the list is just so huge!! Most of you on here know me already, and, if you're looking at this, you must have liked me at least a little bit.

My Interests

Anything that involves physical activity; sports, hiking, camping. Drinking. Your Mom. Reading. Working. Video games. Movies. Animals. Cartoons.
Myspace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

Sorry... I've already met her!!And Your Mom.


I have an odd taste in music.. nothing really specific. I do like Cake, Black Eyed Peas, Orbital, Robert Earl Keen, Classical, almost anything sung Acapella, Bloodhound Gang, Gorillaz, Jack Johnson, Your Mom, Johnny Cash, Pink Floyd, Tenacious D, The Eagles.


Hmmm... Braveheart. Army of Darkness. Last Night. eXistenZ. Kill Bill. Spirited Away. Fifth Element. Howl's Moving Castle. Berserk! The Thing. Star Wars. Indiana Jones. Emperor's New Groove. Ninth Gate. American Pyscho. Your Mom. Blazing Saddles. Battle Royale. Casshern. Donnie Darko. Eurotrip. Evolution. Ghostbusters. Full Metal Jacket. One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest. Lord of the Rings. Memento. Monty Python. Zoolander. One Missed Call. Princess Bride. Shaun of the Dead. Tommy Boy.


Mostly Cartoon Network - Aqua Teen, Sealab, Family Guy, Venture Bros, Robot Chicken. Your Mom. I do try to catch the Discovery Channel too... Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs. And South Park.


Anything by Terry Goodkind or Neil Gaiman. American Psycho. You Cannot Be Serious. If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor. Harry Potter. Old school Dragonlance series.


Just Superman and my parents.And Your Mom.

My Blog

The New Day

Well, times have gone by, and things have definitely changed; all for the better of course.  I have an amazing girl who is everything I never thought I could have.  Trust me, I'll invite you...
Posted by Jeremy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST