I'm quite into Art & Book
A truly beautiful and inspiring book, challenging the dominance and hypocrisy of our mind centred world, prompting us to live more in the heart and trust our intuition. As we move from our mind to our heart we learn to live in the present and let go of old patterns and fears to embrace life. Beautiful vibrant colourful paintings by the author illuminate the pages. Riddles of life, mind and soul reminiscent of Rumi’s poems and Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching’s texts inspire the reader
Here is a list of the top 10 people of astronomy and space I would like to meet and/or have dinner with. Unfortunately, it probably will not happen. Several names on my list are now dead and the odds are against my meeting the living members as well.
Each of these people have gained my admiration and respect for one reason or another. I believe they all would provide excellent conversation and I would have a golden opportunity to learn something.
How about you?
1. Giordano Bruno
Many people defied the church, but none had the chutzpah of this guy. Even a death sentence did not change his attitude as he defiantly told his accusers, "In pronouncing my sentence, your fear is greater than mine in hearing it."
Now, don't get me wrong, I have my own beliefs, but I'm also one of the first to admit that many religions have had their problems over the centuries. Science and religion have often butted heads over the years and will probably continue to do so.
2. Caroline Herschel
Social and physical setbacks didn't stop this woman from her destiny. She was the first woman to receive honorary membership into Britain's Royal Society in 1835.
She discovered 3 new nebulae and 8 comets and in her "spare" time began re-cataloging Flamsteed's star catalog and submitted it to the Royal Society in 1798, along with another 560 stars which Flamsteed had omitted.
She was the first lady of astronomy, literally.
3. Galileo Galilei
What's not to like about Galileo? He was truly the father of modern science.
Like Bruno, he also defied the church, but without the same dire consequences. After signing a recantation of the Copernican theory that the sun was the center of the solar system, and accepting the church’s claim that the Earth was unmoving, he said, "And yet ... it moves."
4. Maria Mitchell
Not just the 1st woman astronomer in the US, she was also a teacher & entrepreneur.
American Academy of Arts & Sciences voted her the 1st woman member in 1848 & Association for the Advancement of Science followed suit in 1850. In 1869 she was the 1st woman elected to the American Philosophical Society. 4 years later, she helped found the American Association for the Advancement of Women & served as its president from 1874 to 1876.
Oh yeah, there's also the matter of a comet she discovered.
5. Sir Isaac Newton
Like Galileo before him (who died the same year he was born), Newton was a man of many interests. His Universal Laws of Gravitation and Three Laws of Motion are the roots of much of today's knowledge.
Imagine what you could learn by picking his brains, if you could understand it.
6. Christa McAuliffe
I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard about the explosion of the Challenger. What a tragic loss.
Christa was not just an astronaut, but also a teacher, someone who truly touched the future. In fact, her motto was "I touch the future, I teach."
She never got a chance to teach from the space the two lessons she had prepared. I'd love to hear them now.
7. Neil Armstrong
This is a no brainer.
I was 9 and watching our old black and white TV when Neil took his small step and gave mankind a giant leap into the future.
I have so many things I'd like to ask him, but would probably be too tongue-tied to get them out.
8. Dr. Sally Ride
Not only the first American woman in space, but also the youngest person when she rode the Challenger in 1984.
In 1986 she terminated mission training as a mission specialist on STS 61-M in order to serve as a member of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident.
As the father of a daughter, I respect her not only as a role model, but also for her work with girls and young women through the Sally Ride Club.
9. John Young
I made several visits to the John Young Planatarium in Orlando. An incredible facility named for an incredible man.
John Young flew twice to the moon, walked on its surface and commanded the 1st Space Shuttle mission. He was the 1st human to fly in space 6 times and launch 7 times, 6 times from Earth and once from the moon. He is the only astronaut to pilot 4 different types of spacecraft, flying in the Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs. He is the longest serving astronaut in history.
10. Dr. Mae Jemison
An incredible woman who is not limited by the imagination of others is a chemical engineer, scientist, physician, teacher and astronaut. Also, she is well-versed in African and African-American Studies, speaks fluent Russian, Japanese, and Swahili, as well as English and is trained in dance and choreography. Also, she's the first African-American woman in space.
Plus, as a self proclaimed geek, I'm impressed that she acted in an episode of Star Trek. I'd love to ask her about that experience.
Haha! Trance never fades in my mind.
Those good feelings, can't get enough!
A second world to life in.
Even a better one...
Anyway,still I'm open for all kind of music as well.
"I've got something to say, *And I thought it might be worth a mention *If you're not pissed off at the world, *Then you're just not payin' attention *You can turn off the TV, *And go about your day *But just cause you don't see it it don't mean it's gone away *It won't go away *Make it go away....Kasey Chambers Ignorance"
"I Love Commics"
In his youth Kenji wanted to be a musician because he loved music, especially the song 20th Century Boy by T. Rex. In the year 1969, Endo Kenj and his friends built their secret base where they can go for a hideout and play together. Kenji started to develop a child-like plan where the World's menaced by bio-terrorists and a 50-foot tall Giant Robot. In their little plan, the end of the world is near and a team of heroes would rise up and save the world. That team's no other but Kenji's. They named their little pact, "Friends" and even created a logo for it. The name of the plan was called "The book of Prophecy". Of course, those silly things were just kid's imagination. As time went by, Kenji failed to become a guitarist--the dream career he once yearned for as a child. Instead he's a convenience store manager and has to take care of his young nephew as his sister ran away from home.
Maruo is one of Kenji's childhood friends who also rose up against "Friend" in the year 2000. Before that, Maruo owned a gift shop not far from Kenji's King Mart. After the year 2000, Maruo was a refuge. He was sheltered by another one of Kenji's friend, Haru Namio. Even now, he's determine to kill "Friend".
Yukiji's a strong person. She's like a tom boy when she was younger and was the one who can beat the menacing twins, Yanbo Mabo. She secretly fell in love with Kenji. She was a ssecurity personnel at Narita Airport where Kenji thought a bomb was planted. Her partner was a funny dog name Blue Three. The bombe didn't explode in Narita Airport, instead the bomb was placed in Haneda Airport.
Otcho's one of Kenji's close friends when they were young. Otcho's a smart and strong boy. In fact, he's probably the best at figther in this series. Although Otcho's a tough man, he also had an emotional scar. Becasue he was a very career oriented person when he was younger, he didn't pay much attention to his son. One day, his son saw a man similar to Otcho across the street. The boy ran across and got hit by a car. Since then Otcho was changed. He's missing for 1 week after an auto accident in Thailand Jungle. After that he resigned. He was reportedly found in India (1989 AD). At the time he was on the way to Tibet (Volume 2 Chapter 5).
Kanna is Kenji's nephew and a daugther of Kiriko. Ater she's born, her mother decided to Kenji. Kenji was determined to raise Kanna until Kiriko returns. Kanna's a special person. Her power's shown since she's a baby (Volume 1 Chapter 2), As for example, she's able to guess in a game "which hand has the coin" correctly 100% of the time.
Yoshitsune's one of Kenji's childhood friends and one of the 7 who rose up against "Friend" on the bloody New Year of 2000. Yoshitsune secretly fell in love with Yukiji. Yoshitsune has more courage than he thought. After the year 2000, Yoshitsune continued on fighting the organization by secretly building up an underground rebel force.