OLD friends and i guess movie stars.
fight club, 300!!!!!, school of rock, gladiator, tmnt, flag of our fathers, casino royale, borat, pulp fiction, lord of the rings, wedding singer, Armageddon, saw's, Harry potter's, Starship troopers, ghostbusters, forrest gump, saving private ryan, jumanji, waiting,reno 911, transformers, face off, con air, full metal jacket, blade's, troy, analyze this and that, king kong, dumb and dumber, spider man's,beauty and the beast, men in black, shrek, braveheart, blow, cast away, toy stories, the island, family guy movie, reign of fire, chronicals of narnia, v for vendetta, grind, empire records, sleepy holly, from hell, sum of all fears, the mask, liar liar, texas chainsaw massacre, and many many many many more....
Family guy..south park..reno911..Friday night stand up
Chronicals of narni a.. any tom clancy
Professional Dodgeballer Eric, A.K.A to the medics as (Tanto)