love travelling, books,history, im abit boring really lol oh yes and i love a good drink!!! and sex!!!
adopt your own virtual pet!
I would have really loved to meet Marilyn Monroe if she was still alive! Also Buddy Holly. Just because they were dam cool people who died, just interests me lol.
I like all kinds of music mostly R&B and Indie.
pretty woman! yes i know typical! Love abit of Dirty Dancing, Ghost and of course Grease!!!!
Love my soaps especially hollyoaks, love a bit of loose woman if im off and jeremy kyle for a laugh!
Just finished reading "About A Boy" and im reading that book about that girl who was kidknapped in Germany but i forgot how to spell it, the book is at work at the moment! I'll update this bit when i get it, yes i am aware that i am a freak of the week!!!
my gorgeous boyfriend, and my mam!