Vincent profile picture


I don't trust or love anyone. Because people are so creepy. Creepy creepy creeps. Creeping around. C

About Me

I have more fun, and I have more things that I like and care about than anyone else I know. But I also have more things that make me feel unpleasant. I remember when I was 16 years old and I moved to New York City, I met this square girl and one day went to her house to try and fuck her and stuff. She was very pretty and clean and nice and she was older. She introduced me to some of her boring college friends who were going to Brown University. At 16, I already owned 4,500 albums. Some of them, I worked whole summers to buy. I loved my records, 4,500 records is tons of music to like. One day, I go on this trip with this girl and her friends; it’s the late seventies, the beginning of really bad radio on the East Coast. We’re all driving in a car and the radio is blasting some shitty music. I make a few comments about the music and begged them to change the channel, telling them; "this crappy song is killing me". They all gave me dirty looks and one of them says; "you’re so negative, you don’t like anything". And I thought to myself, "I don’t like anything?"…I spent every penny I ever made in my life on records, and because I’m not satisfied with main stream radio, I’m negative?

My Interests

This is a personal contact page for me, Vincent Gallo. As it is personal, I would like to say a few things about this contact address. Do not send me scripts, as I have never read a script in my life, including ones to films I've acted in, and ones that I've written and directed. I only accept legal pay or play offers from attorneys, please don't tell me about the film you're going to make one day. I'll be dead long before that happens, any day now maybe. Do not ask for signed photographs as I do not keep any photographs of myself and never had a head shot. Sorry kids.

I'd like to meet:

I don't really care to meet many people. They most often make me sick or feel bad. By the way, I never liked hippies, I hate hippies, especially pot smoking hippies. Marijuana and socialism were the evils of the twentieth century. I mean what I say when I say girls are evil. I will try my best to answer all email that is not offensive or unreasonable. But please be patient. WARNING: To all bitter or jealous or unemployed or frustrated or mean or nasty or under-loved or under-paid or under-hung men and butchy girls. Think before you write to me. THINK HOW SMALL AND SILLY YOU APPEAR WHEN ANGRY JEALOUS AND BITTER--WRITING TO ME LIKE A SCORNED FAN.


My own of course. On my fifth birthday in 1967, along with two pairs of brown socks, I received a one dollar bill from my wonderful parents. Boy, what gift givers they were. With dollar bill in hand, I thought and thought and thought. I thought hard about what to buy. And after weeks of thinking and looking at millions of things priced under a buck, I finally let go of the dollar bill to purchase the Beatles album, Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band. My first record album it was. Though I had no phonograph to play it on, I did stare at it a lot. However, a few months later my best uncle, my Uncle Hoxie, who could fix anything, fixed one up that he had garbage picked for me. The Beatles are the best band in the world to get a five year old kid hooked on music. I began to sing along and fake play along all the time. And all the time I wished really hard that I was in a band.The Stooges, the New York Dolls, and Bowie. Hip hop and you don't stop. Prince Vince is going to do the body rock. That's right, 1982 I turned Puerto Rican and becomes a world class leader in the hip-hop scene. I got some good tapes of stuff I did at that time. It'll all come out soon. The list goes on.


I used to see about three a day if I could. The best is to see them with friends to hear what they got out of the flick. That's when you learn. What you missed I am sure they caught.


Blah. But it goes with chips and dips.


At times but I fucking hate reading amateur use of the English language.


As of late I do not have one. Dealing with a loss of love when I get through it I am sure it will be myself. I had a very good doctor well psychiatrist named Malcolm Hill. Smartest guy in the world. I saw him for about twelve years. Well, maybe I didn’t go for about three years of it, from work and things. About a year and a half ago his office was closed one day, for no reason. Couple weeks later, someone finally returned my messages and told me he was sick. A month after that, there was an announcement on his answering machine notifying everybody that he had passed away. I never felt such a loss from anyone’s death in my life. No one else’s death could feel that bad to me.