Art, Painting, Drawing, Travel, Exercise, Health, Wellness, Vitamins, Supplements, Overall Well-being, Setting goals and attaining financial freedom.
I'd like to meet:
RON PAUL!I'm looking to meet people who want to be inspired to change and who are not afraid to put down the potato chip and get off the coach.I really wouldn't mind meeting Frank Zane,(old school body builder) and I also think it would be kind of cool to meet Chuck Norris.
KMFDM, Depeche Mode, VNV Nation, Nine Inch Nails, the list goes on, and on and on and on...I LOVE MY MUSIC!
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KMFDM's new CD, Thouvabohu is available for Preorder in the KMFDM Store for $12.50.
Tohuvabohu is also offered bundled with the Tohuvabohu Shirt and all other Tohuvabohu items including a FREE Exclusive Download for $28.
Buy Directly From The Band And Save!
Thanks, KMFDM!
Lord of The Rings Trilogy, Serenity..."I'm a leaf on the wind!" Powder, The Crow, All Indiana Jones Movies...yes I even have the "Indiana Jones jacket that I got in 1990. Princess Bride, Old school Star Wars, X-Files Movie, and anything directed by James Cameron...Everything from The Abyss to Aliens and yes even the chick flick Titanic.
Im a Geek with a Sci-fi theme! Yep... I've braved a Star Trek convention once! My wife and are also addicted to Heroes and Big Love...The new season of Big Love starts next month!
Anything by Manley P. Hall. He has such a way with words that awake the soul in the most positive manner! Too bad he died before I read his work (and alot of work he did), cuz I would have liked to have met him. I guess there is still hope in the after life. I'm also reading Mens Health magazines and books and my companies health and wellness articles/Newsletters.
My friends are my heros. Like Alex Oster, Austin Appleby, Sandy Peterson and most of all my wife Dani. I can't help but luv em all.