Sunset Maiden profile picture

Sunset Maiden

I am here for Friends

About Me Icons, Graphics, Layouts and more.

My Interests

singing and dancing, attempting to play guitar occasionally, watching doing and teaching any form of theatre, going out, READING, watching telly (i've kinda got a thing going on for murder mysteries now courtesy of my lovely sister as she's a bit of a poirot enthusiast so i'm all for a bit of Doctor Sloane of an afternoon!) - i get very absorbed. anything that really captures my (prone to be over-active) imagination. but it's mostly all about the drama.

I'd like to meet:

well, people who like the same stuff as me i suppose. more icelandic people, they're cool! people with broad horizons who like to laugh and pitch in. they're my kinda people. ooh, and Jonas Armstrong! mmmm...


MUMM-RA! woop woop! ha ha. i'm a fan of the indie guitar movement, so the likes of the strokes, the arctic monkeys and supergrass, and the killers as an example are up there on my faves. i like to span the genres when it comes to music; bit of mozart, bit of bowie, bit of john, paul ringo and george (yoko can fuck right off), you know what i'm saying. How can anyone ever write down their entire musical taste? do you honestly expect me to be able to???!!!


anything by almodovar. he's cool to the tenth degree and i'm loving it. but there's far too much to list! i like a lot of foreign cinema, and i've got a bit of a thing for the french (ooh and disney. you can't beat it on a wet afternoon! my FAVE fave is Robin Hood. it's infinitely better than the bryan adams flaming arrow one. go on, tell me you don't love lady cluck!) but i like stuff that challenges my opinions or broadens my horizons. anime, disney, hitchcock, spielberg, tarantino... bit of a mixed bunch really. i'm not really one for horror movies unless there's someone there to hide behind who won't laugh at me, as i get scared very easily! (overactive imagination comes into play there) oh. and legally blonde. hilarity. i'm not as critical about film as i should be i suppose, i'm MUCH more picky when it comes to theatrical likes and dislikes.


BOOOOOOOOOOOOSH. Green Wing. Trailer Park Boys. american dad. futurama. the simpsons. big bro (ha ha, i can't help but watch! but not the celebrity one, that's always a bit crap isn't it?). FAMILY GUY. any kind of shakespeare adaptation. period dramas. mmmmm. ROBIN HOOD! Doctor Who with David Tennant. god. i can't list them all... it's exhausting!


aaarg! too many to count. there's no point even beginning as my fingers would start to bleed.


Howard Moon. what a legend.Jaques Lecoq. my family who just amaze me at every opportunity they get. or scare me. but i think that kinda fits into the amazement factor. and Chloe Thorne, one of my best and oldest friends, who has just changed her name by deed poll, to... Santa. That takes guts.