I like interesting things.
The Chuckle Brothers
I wouldn't know where to start, I love everything about music. Me and my friends do a 50's and 60's rock 'n roll meets soul night at The Boogaloo Bar on Archway rd called Gerrys Joint, so I love anything I can Jive to. My brother has something or other to do with music, so he sends me lots of new stuff all the time. Mostly Blip, Blurp, Bleep let's rave music but I love that to. The only stuff I don't really like is anything that a 13 year old dressed head to toe in black listens to.
The Blues Brothers, The Big Lebowski, Swingers, Zoolander, Banana's, The Three Amigos, Elf, Waynes World, The Life of Brian, Rushmore, Life Aquatic and lot's of other stuff. There isn't really anything serious there but that doesn't mean I don't occasionly like a film with a bit a meaning.
Already out the window.
Im Not Scared, The Curios Incident of The Dog in The Night-Time, American Scream, Mr.Nice, Espedair Street, Life Of Pi, Tales of Endurance, Colours, X-Ray Vision and lots and lots and lots of others.
All my friends. They're all fuckin legends.