Congratulations. You are the kiss my ass happy bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything. You must be so proud.
which happy bunny are you?
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The beach, playing outdoors, good music, movies, tattoos, business, networking, the Internet, web development, photography, pets, good parties, my family - You know, all the good stuff in life!
I would like to meet myself. I think we would get along great!
Actually, I think we would either get along great, or we would kill each other...
Either way, I think I would have a problem with that dude's wardrobe.
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Myspace Layouts
Everything from Iron Maiden to Sarah Brightman - go figure! :)
I go to the movies to be entertained. If I can learn a life lesson while I am there, then great! But otherwise, I don't feel that every movie has to have an award-winning plot. As long as I was entertained, then I leave happy. That being said, the more Sci-Fi, action, blowing things up, and humor, the better!
I really don't watch TV. Not because I don't like TV, but because I can never stick to the network schedule! I do, however, watch both movies and televisions shows using Netflix, and once again, Sci-Fi, action, and fun are at the top of the list.
I no read good.... LOLActually, I love to read, although I don't get to do it as often as I would like. My all-time favorite book is "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. It literally changed my life, and no matter what YOUR goal is, you need to read it, too! Also check out "You Were Born Rich" by Bob Proctor, "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles, and the "Master Key System" by Charles Haanel. Most of those books are available for free on my website !
I have many people that I respect greatly, including my Father, my Wife, and several of my closest friends. However, when it comes to heroes, I say become your OWN hero - watch The Secret!