Name Diana
Birthdate 12/14/83
Birthplace SoMeHWheRe in NYC
Current Location city oF DrEams NYC!
Eye Color BroWn bUt frOntin' wIt' haZel coNtaCtZ
Hair Color nAtUrralLy broWn bUt i DYe it BlaCk
Height 5'5-(5'7 wit' heels LOL)
Weight 165 Got da griTTa In da jeAns maKe all da ThUgz waNNa HolLa
Piercings mY nAveL, my EyeBrow & My lOweR LiP
Tattoos A triBal LOwer BaCk tatToo
Boyfriend/Girlfriend CurrEntly 1 oF uR eXes LOL!
Overused Phrase whatEva!
Food DefiniTely home cOOked DoMiNican PLataNos!
Candy aNyTHang ChoColAte!
Color pInk
Number 83
Animal Dogz
Drink my DrinKin' dayz R ovA bUt if i weNt bAcK in tYme iT woULd B Devils SpringZ AlL d@ Way
Bagel Wit' buTTA & cHive CreAm CheEse
Letter D 4 my NaME
Body Part on Opposite Sex cHest (EigHt PaCk PreferabLY but will seTtle 4 a sIx paCk)
*This or That*
Pepsi or Coke PePsi
McDonalds or Burger king BurGer KinG
Strawberry or Watermelon did U C My pIc ? of CoUrse StraWbErRy!
Sweet Tea or Unsweet Tea da SweeteR da Betta
Chocolate or Coffee Do I reAllY have 2 Say!
Kiss or Hug Hugz (u cAn cOp A QuIcK feEl LOL!)
Country or Rap BOth
Summer or Winter Imma WinTer BaBy
Scary Movies or Funny Movies FunNy mOvie
Love or Money Love, Cuz moNey wE CaN maKe 2gEtheR
Bedtime... whenever i am off da phone by 11:00 or so
First thought waking up which cute panty will i wear today?
Goal for this year gEt oN d@ sTepPing stOne 4 A careEr iN ReAl EsTate!
Weakness BeIng NIce 2 thoSe wHo Don'T DeSerVe iT
Fears sPiDerz
Heritage 100% DoMiNiCaNa
Longest Relationship 8 yrs It wuz fUn WhiLe iT LasTed 2 BaD it LasTed LonGer THan It waS fUn!
*In a guy/girl...*
Favorite eye color? any
Favorite hair color? anYthAng NatuRal
Short hair or Long hair? ShoRt
Height TallEr ThAn Me
Style Has 2 haVe an atTention 2 DeTail
Looks or Personality? PeRsonalIty ...........loOks wEar Off wit' Tyme!
Hot or Cute? hOt
Drugs/Alcohol? None, A DoSe of Me ShouLd keEp him High enOugh 'til he reTurnz 4 moRe!
Muscular or Skinny? MusCular
Number of regrets in the past? OnLy thoSe wHo fEar deAth LiVe wiT' reGreTs!
What country you would most like to visit? FraNce quelque'un parle fRançaIs?
How do you want to die? In pEaCe
What is your favorite food place? My mOm's HoUse
Been to the mall lately? yEah
What is your favorite sport? BaSebAll (4 dA pLaYers noT necCesaRilLy da GaMe )
Do you like thunderstorms? nO bUt I liKe 2 go Out in Da rAin
Do you get along with the parentals? nAh i'm stiLl trYin 2 geT AlOng Wit' my Dad (we Have mAde Some proGreSS tho!)
Health Freak? DefiniTely EverYthAng goTTa b OrgAnic
Do you think that you are attractive? aTtRacTive is aN UnderStateMent!
Do you believe in yourself? iF i dOn't wHo wIlL?
Do you want to go to college? bEen tHerE dOne ThaT
Do you smoke? jUst quIt
Do you drink? nah I'm dOne Wit it
What is your favorite Movie? UnFaithFul (PassIonate)
Do you shower daily? dAtz a duMb qUesTioN
Ever been in love? yEs
Do you sing? iN FronT of The Mirror
Ever want to get married? yEs One DaY
Have your kids names picked out? No
Hate anyone? It'z dA unreQuited lUv 4 sOmeOne tHat cReaTes HaTe!
Have you had a dream that came true? yEs tOok A wHilE bUt iT dID cOmE tRue!
Can you dance? i"M lAtIn of CouRse i cAn dAnCe!
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