Reverend Asbeel profile picture

Reverend Asbeel


About Me

+siehe "Apokryphen" aus dem Buch Henoch :"5Der zweite heißt Asbeel; dieser erteilte den Kindern der Engel böse Ratschläge, daß sie ihre Leiber durch die Menschentöchter verdarben"+ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------ Reverend Asbeel says: J O I N THE C R U S A D E! ------------------------------------------------------------ ------ !1.) Use as much drugs and alcohol as possible, BUT at the point you can not stop anymore it has become a SIN!---!2.) Enjoy the pleasures of sexuality in all its forms (including the unmentionable categories) BUT if someone feels like a victim it has become a SIN! (except those who get the most pleasure feeling like a victim, hmmm..hmm? hmm..ok..)---!3.) Music has to be loud and the beer cold. Quiet and warm is a SIN! ---3.a) In order to get the best KARMA try to get German BEER brewed according to the "Deutsches Reinheitsge bot" which is the oldest food law worldwide (dated 1516)--- 4.)Pro Ana is no question of lifestyle, its just sick! ---!5.)At least, try to drive a V8 once during your lifetime AMEN!

My Interests

Bier trinken,Mystizismus, Metal und artverwantes, SV Eintracht-Trier 05 (und wenn ich noch länger in AAchen wohnen sollte dann lande ich wohl doch noch mal auf einem Alemaniaspiel), WH40K aber mehr der fluff, Hello Kitty, Mittelalter, Airsoft, Comics, Schnapps trinken

I'd like to meet:

The walls protecting your soul are weak and your mind is not trained against the forces surrounding you? Lets see what will surely happen:What can we do against it? Let us ask these Ladys and Gentlemen:


joaa Metal und Rock und n Roll und deren NAchkommen und diverses andere


300, Conan, Aliens, Predator und ähnlicher SchnickSchnack




alles mögliche


Dr.Axel Th. Simon