*Painting*, sketching, Music, poetry, reading, laughing, crying :*(, walking, exercising, children
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I'd like to meet:
Painters, Artists, Filmmakers, Musicians, Actors, Dancers, Fashion Designers, Writers, Feminists. People who don't put up a front. I'm looking to make friends with people who are into going to museums, art exhibitions, plays and anything intellectual. I am NOT a party girl, but on occasions I will go out to a Lounge or bar, I just think it's sad when it's an every weekend event.
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Urban funk, Jazz, classical, Punk, Rap, Hip-hop, Reggae, Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, Samba, Modern, African, Indian, EVERYTHING!!!! "The pain of determination weighs pounds, but the pain of regret weighs tons..."
"I can be civil but never your friend...I can wish you love but I won't love you...I may miss you but I won't tell you...I can forgive but I'll never forget..."
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will."
Vince Lombardi
"I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure--which is:
Try to please everybody."
Herbert Bayard Swope
"The highest purpose of intellectual cultivation is to give a man a perfect knowledge and mastery of his own inner self; to render our consciousness its own light and its own mirror."
Frederich Leopold von Hardenberg
"Every man has in himself a continent of undiscovered character. Happy is he who acts as the Columbus to his own soul."
Sir J. Stephen
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
Henry David Thoreau
"The question for each man to settle is not what he would do if he had means, time, influence and educational advantages; the question is what he will do with the things he has. The moment a young man ceases to dream or to bemoan his lack of opportunities and resolutely looks his conditions in the face, and resolves to change them, he lays the corner-stone of a solid and honorable success."
Matrix, GATTACA, Back to the Future, V for Vendetta, West Side Story, Grease, Annie, The king and I.
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That 70's show, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Heroes, Seinfeld, Friends, Bernie Mack, Girlfriends, News, My Boys, American Dad, South park
Little Women, 1984, Fahrenheit 411, Animal Farm, The Outsiders, Brave New World, Siddartha, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Midsummer Night's Dream, Greek tragedies, The Object of my Affection, The color Purple.Psychology text books, sociology text books, Media criticism, Philosophy...
Graphics & Layouts
My mother
Graphics & Layouts