wakeboarding, swimming, volleyball, music, cooking, reading, poetry, tattoos, martial arts, target-shooting, soccer, horseback riding, camping, fishing, BBQs, and beer.
I love all kinds . . . literally.
Boondock Saints, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Fight Club, Hero, Shaolin Wheel of Life (not really a movie, but a great Kung-Fu Spectacular), Amelie, the Kill Bills, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Snatch, Battle Royale, Superbad, etc.
Rome, Sex and the City, Family Guy, Will and Grace, Law and Order, Lost, Scrubs.
Invisible Monsters, Lullaby, Diary, Choke, the Gunslinger, Violin, Slaughterhouse Five
This sounds cheesy, but . . . my Dad. He grew up poor and on a farm, put himself through college, got his Master's in Mechanical Engineering and later became a computer programmer. Not to mention, he is a just an all round great guy and an awesome dad.