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n.1. Skill in doing or making something, as in the arts; proficiency. See Synonyms at art1.2. Skill in evasion or deception; guile.
3. An occupation or trade requiring manual dexterity or skilled artistry.Usage Note: Craft has been used as a verb since the Old English period and was used in Middle English to refer specifically to the artful construction of a text or discourse. In recent years, crafted, the past participle of craft, has enjoyed a vogue as a participle referring to well-wrought writing. Craft is more acceptable when applied to literary works than to other sorts of writing, and more acceptable as a participle than as a verb.Synonyms:ability, adeptness, adroitness, aptitude, art, artistry, cleverness, competence, cunning, dexterity, expertise, expertness, ingenuity, knack, know-how, proficiency, technique, workmanship, art, artfulness, artifice, cageyness, canniness, contrivance, craftiness, cunning, disingenuity, duplicity, foxiness, guile, ruse, scheme, shrewdness, slyness, stratagem, strategy, subterfuge, subtlety, trickery, wiles, wiliness, calling, career, discipline, employment, handicraft, line, tier, occupation, profession, pursuit, trade, vocation, work, achievement, artifact, artisanship, calling, craft, craftsmanship, creation, design, handiwork, invention, product, production, result, skill, workmanship, bent, capability, command, deftness, finesse, flair, genius, gift, handiness, intelligence, mastery, resourcefulness, savvy, skillfulness, strength, talent, the goods, the stuff, creativity, facility, imagination, ingenuity, inventiveness, knowledge, method, virtuosity, bag, biz, dodge, field, function, game, line, livelihood, pursuit, racket, specialty, cruiser, outboard cruiser, pleasure boat, pleasure craft, power cruiser, sedan cruiser, cahoots, amusement, avocation, craze, distraction, diversion, divertisement, fancy, favorite occupation, fun, game, interest, kick, leisure activity, leisure pursuit, obsession, pet topic, play, quest, relaxation, schtick, shot, sideline, specialty, sport, thin, vagary, whim, whimsy, savoir-faire, wisdom, intrigue, skin game, sting, trick, adequacy, capacity, competence, effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency, faculty, means, might, potency, potential, potentiality, power, proficiency, qualification, qualifiedness, wherewithal… See also: Angie
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