music, film, theatre, photography, television (good and bad), pop culture in general, Thai food, cookies, the Olympics, IKEA, astrology, the Enneagram, the Muppets, James Dean, the new Radiohead album and its yet-to-be-acquired B-sides, roller coasters, Chicago, London, asking too many questions, not thinking too much, regular exercise at the gym (3 days a week), getting on better with my associate employee contemporaries, wishing i could play guitar, broadening my horizons
a playwright whom I can collaborate with on a regular basis
Fiona Apple, The Arcade Fire, The Beatles, The Black Keys, Jeff Buckley, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, The Darkness, Doves, The Faint, The Futureheads, Gomez, Jimi Hendrix, Interpol, Janet Jackson, Michael Jackson (pre-pedophilia), Led Zeppelin, Muse, nine inch nails, Pearl Jam, Queens of the Stone Age, Radiohead, The Rapture, The Rolling Stones, Sleater-Kinney, Spoon, Sufjan Stevens, Stone Temple Pilots, The Strokes, Tapes 'n Tapes, Justin Timberlake, The White Stripes, The Who, Wilco, Wolf Parade, Stevie Wonder, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Zero 7
Amelie, Angels in America, Big Fish, Boogie Nights, Dancer in the Dark, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Good Night and Good Luck, The Great Muppet Caper, A League of Their Own, Magnolia, Punch-Drunk Love, Rebel Without a Cause, Requiem for a Dream, Spellbound (the documentary, not the other one), The Virgin Suicides, Waiting for Guffman
Arrested Development, Big Love, The Boondocks, Desperate Housewives, Family Guy, Home Movies, Law & Order: SVU, Lost, The Office (UK & US), South Park, Twin Peaks
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, bash: latterday plays, Blindness, Closer, The Corrections, Cry the Beloved Country, Far Away, Hamlet, House of Leaves, In the Blood, Lord of the Flies, The Pain and the Itch, A Prayer for Owen Meany
Corin Tucker