Hip Hop, Soul, Ska,Gospel, R&B, Pop like Shakira or Jennifer Lopez or 50 Cent, Alicia Keys, Gwen Stefanie, Alanis Morissette,No Doubt, Gwen Stefani, Mariah Carey,Stacie Orrico, Rihanna, Flyleaf, Gorillaz, James Taylor, Natascha Bedingfield,Rosenstolz, Glashaus, Sabrina Setlur,Lexy & K, Missy Elliot, Marilyn Monroe, Mario,Guns N Roses, Eminem,Rebecca Lavelle, Anouk, Lenny Kravitz, Fergie, Black Eyed Peas, Norah Jones, Ashley Simpson, Yolanda Adams, Natalie Imbruglia, Katie Melua, Joss Stone, White Stripes,Amanda Marshall,Mutabor, Orishas, Culcha Candela ............................................................ ..................................................
into the blue, save the last dance, honey, dirty dancing, shrek, ten things I hate about you, koyote ugly, men in black, moulin rouge,sweet home alabama,man on fire,die purpurnen Flüsse, pirates of the caribbean, sleepy hollow, center stage, girls united, scary movie 1-2-3, step up,...
Lost,(MTV,...), Bollywood, greys anatomy...