Nalan'Una profile picture


About Me

First of all, to explain my name. Nala Nuna would be the generally accepted way of writing my name if I were to adopt a non-Rylothian culture, which surprisingly and shamefully more and more Twi'leks are begining to do to try to disassociate themselves from Ryloth's somewhat tainted past. though tainted, I choose to embrace my history. Therefore I write and pronounce my name: Nalan'Una. I was originally born on Ryloth, the home planet to most Twi'leks. I worked as a thief under Adone'Yan from when I was about 5 until 12. At twelve the republic was begining to strengthen it's hold on ryloth and cut down on the crime. I was captured and put on a ship headed for Kessel. Knowing the market value for Twi'leks as slaves (especially the females who often became the 'toys' of the powerful), it was natural that pirates would be on the look out for prisoner ships departing from Ryloth. Indeed they were, and I was captured in the raid--which really wasn't that big a deal--i didn't really know where I was going, but chances were that it was better than the spice mines on Kessel. I transfered hands very quickly until I was about 15; sold, bought, resold, etc. turning me over for a profit. eventually I landed in the presence of Jabba the Hutt, who, though asexual, had a very, very strange taste for humanoids. This was looked upon with much disdain among the Hutt clans, but his eventual gain of incredible power seemed to over ride these flaws and make them taboo for fear of death or worse. he had his way with me for a good several years--not sure exactly how long, because slaves generally don't need to know such things. After that I was sold to a racer named Sebulba as somewhat of a muse, but mostly to do work with his crew after being trained. he later was killed in an engine misfire (how unfotunate..that little bastard.) and since there was no one to sell me or own me, i was then free. I made my way off Tatooine as soon as possible by stowing aboard different ships hoping to just happen apon a planet I might make my home. One ship I had taken which departed from Chandrilla landed me here. As good a place as any I have set up camp, and here I am.

My Interests

Dancing, stripping, interplanetary travel, abolition of slavery, the ways of the force.

I'd like to meet:

any and all species, though it seems that the only intelligent one on this planet is the human, so probably just humans.


whoever is playing at the local cantinas. jizz bands latelye seem to be very popular.


Orn Free'Ta, Bib Fortuna, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa-Solo, Mon Mothma