Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
I have decided to make myself a myspace that I can use for work. Maybe it's time for that! Im involved in a project called "Konst(igt)" where artists and different type of bands can express themselves. Check out the last arrangement on:I have recently made an Album cover and layout for the swedish death metal band "Nominon".At the moment am I working on the layout for the band "Immaculate",and I am also in charge of their promo pictures. Photography and other kinds of art are my big passions here in life, I absolutely love Photoshop too!
If you need an albumcover and like my style, contact me here on myspace. Im always interested in new challenges ( depending on how heavy the work is) I prefer to do covers for black metal bands, because my artwork is dark and full off anguish! Just like most of the black metal bands out there.. Contact me if you play in such a band, soon me and my friends will arrange bm gigs too.
Im also interested in new male models so I can develop my photo-skills. So get in touch if you are a big charismatic long-haired male! Im picky, but its worth a try ^^Hails! // Lena.V.H