godzilla sound profile picture

godzilla sound


About Me

It was 1996 when veteran Godzilla sound system was founded in Bologna from a dream of a sicilian guy,owner Marcello "uncle Gozzy".Some of the most important reggae artists have played alongside him during these years : among them HORACE ANDY, ANTHONY B, LINVALL THOMPSON, DAVID RODIGAN, ONE LOVE. POW POW MOVEMENT, SENTINEL,SOUNDQUAKE, KANGA ROOTS, DJ AMARLEY, V-ROCKET, MIGHTY CROWN.and most of the Italian reggae crew & sound systems. Godzilla sound has also participated at the Rototom Sunsplash festival in the 98/99/00/01 editions and in 2002 has organized and promoted the first Italian dancehall queen contest and the first selectors’ reunion from Bologna. In 2003 he promoted the 45 bologna shootout, while in 2004 Godzilla created Rise, the biggest events ever for all the italian dancehall maniacs : one stage, one backin' band (bag a riddim band) and all the most important Italian crews : SISTERS, CASALIPSO and BOO BOO VIBRATION from Bologna; ZULI from Torino; VILLADA e BRUSCO from Roma ; MODDI from Taranto, GHETTO EDEN, RANKIN' LELE MARINA & PAPA LEO, METTO PATI, GOPHER D e SUD SOUND SYSTEM from Salento. Godzilla also played in various European scenes: Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Lindau, Basel, Biel, Valencia, Barcelona, Madrid, Tarifa and of course in all the most important Italian cities & clubs. In 1998 he builds the Dubzilla recording studio and in 2003 produces with Gopher two 12" (Budda Hook Remix and Liquidi Spigoli) and one 7" performed by GOPHER feat.MARINA. To celebrate the 10th sound's anniversary, in April 2006 Godzilla publishes "the 12 step pgm." mixtape, 70 minutes of ragga hip hop mixed by DJ Gozzy and several specials unique tunes performed by his all time friends: Metto Patti former mc of the Godizlla sound system; gopher & treble in a hardcore remix of the classical hit "la utte e' china"; a brand new rap from DJ Lugi in combination with the soulful voice of Julia; the revelation of Italian reggae Fidoguido and the smashing hit "Gia' da un po'." performed by Neffa/Gopher/Kaos/Moddi based on a Derrick Harriot's sample, remixed by Godzilla himself with DJ Shablo at Dubzilla studio.

Storico sound system fondato nel 1996 a Bologna dal siciliano trapiantato Marcello "zio Gozzy": nelle sue sempre affollatissime dancehall ha ospitato HORACE ANDY, ANTHONY B, LINVALL THOMPSON, DAVID RODIGAN, ONE LOVE. POW POW MOVEMENT, SENTINEL,SOUNDQUAKE, KANGA ROOTS, DJ AMARLEY, V-ROCKET, MIGHTY CROWN e gran parte dei sound system e crew italiane. Ha partecipato al ROTOTOM SUNSPLASH nelle edizioni del 98/99/00/01, nel 2002 Godzilla ha organizzato il primo “ITALIAN DANCEHALL QUEEN CONTEST” ed il primo “RADUNO DEI SELECTA BOLOGNESI”, nel 2003 organizza il “45 BOLOGNA SHOOTOUT” (tra emergenti sound bolognesi), nel 2004 Godzilla inventa ed organizza “RISE”, il piu'. grande appuntamento per i dancehall maniacs italiani:un unico palco, un’unica backin’ band (la BAGGA RIDDIM BAND),e tante diverse crew da tutta la penisola: SISTERS, CASALIPSO e BOO BOO VIBRATION da Bologna; ZULI da Torino; VILLADA e BRUSCO da Roma; MODDI da Taranto:GHETTO EDEN, RANKIN’ LELE MARINA & PAPA LEO, METTO PATI, GOPHER D e SUD SOUND SYSTEM dal Salento! Godzilla ha suonato inoltre a Amburgo, Berlino, Monaco, Lindau, Basilea, Biel, Valencia, Barcellona, Madrid, Tarifa e nelle piu' importanri citta' e club d’Italia. Nel 1998 fonda il DUBZILLA RECORDING STUDIO e nel 2003 produce insieme a GOPHER due 12” (Budda Hook Remix e Liquidi Spigoli) ed un 7” dello stesso GOPHER feat. MARINA. Per celebrare il decimo anniversario del GODZILLA SOUND SYSTEM nell'aprile del 2006 pubblica il mixtape “the 12 step pgm.” 70 minuti di reggae & hip hop mixati da dj Gozzy . Per l’occasione Gozzy ha convocato a partecipare con inedite tracce gli amici di sempre: MettoPati, gia' in passato mc del Godzilla Sound, Gopher & Treble che ripropongono in chiave hardcore il classico “la utte e' china”, nuove metriche rap di dj Lugi in combinazione con il soul di Julia, la nuova voce del reggae italiano FidoGuido, ed una clamorosa traccia bomba con un combo che annovera Neffa/Gopher/Kaos/Moddi sopra un ritmo costruito al Dubzilla studio da Gozzy e dj Shablo intorno ad un campione di Derrick Harriot .

My Interests


Member Since: 4/23/2007
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I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None