well well well...
what about me?? i guess i'll just start. me and small talk, never goes anywhere, so i'll just give a point fom life story and try to keep it short. if you care to know more let me know.
-born in moncton NB
-lived in sackville NB til 5 years old
-moved to sussex where i grew up
-lived in fredericton NB to go to the nb college of craft and design
-decided i needed to go to art school so moved to halifax to go to
NSCAD. that lasted for a semester.
-moved back to fredericton for work at the Beaverbrook art gallery.
-lived and worked there for 2 years, learned about installing exhibitions and gallery work.
-experienced some rediculously fun times within those few years:
-debotchery, 3 am fence jumping, home wrecking, home making, garden working, bar closing, playground swinging, cliff jumping, roadtrip going (and breaking down -- then car fixin'), hot air balloon riding, country fair stomping, music making, first time wine making, europe tour gallivanting, back to home surprising and soo sooo much more. those were some good times.
-moved to halifax for a change of scene
-work at galleries around town, mostly for installation work
-and am always looking for new things to do and people to know.
-i can't stand small talk, because i'm soo not so good at it.
-i'm a leo and love it.
-and i like checking out wierd little bars (like charlies) and becoming a member for kicks
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