Keelie profile picture


About Me

Y 0 U[ .01. ] first name: Keelie[ .02. ] middle name: Marie [ .03. ] last name: Ferguson[ .04. ] nickname(s): Kiwii,Keelie.Marie[ .05. ] gender: FeMaLe[ .06. ] birthday: June.2[ .07. ] height: 5'4..~~I..dont..kno??[ .08. ] hair color: Brown[ .09. ] eye color: Brown&&Black[ .010. ] do you wear glasses or contacts: Nooo[ .011. ] do you have braces: Yepp!!!They'!!YeSs![ .012. ] is your hair long or short: Medium..[ .013. ] where were you born: ???[ .014. ] current location: ???[ .015. ] zodiac sign: GemIni[ .016. ] how many languages do you know: 1[ .017. ] what laungage do you want to learn: SpAnIsH[ .018. ] bad habits: hMm..[ .019. ] piercing you have: Ears..![ .020. ] piercing you want: Belly.Button![ .021. ] tattoos you have: Ewww..GrOss![ .023. ] today: uhh..SatUrDaY..[ .024. ] today's date: 10th[ .025. ] the time: 4:17 pm[ .026. ] ready for a bunch more questions: Heakk_yEsS!: F A M i L Y[ .027. ] mother's name:![ .028. ] father's name:[ .029. ] brother's name: Jay,Xavier[ .030. ] sister's name: Jalissa,Bryanna&&Danielle[ .031. ] favorite aunt: Hmm[ .032. ] favorite uncle: Hmm[ .033. ] favorite grandparent: Hmm [ .036. ] worst relative: ??[ .037. ] best relative: hMm..[ .038. ] do you get along with your parents: SomTimEs[ .039. ] does anyone in your family understand you? i_dk!: P E T S[ .040. ] do you have any pets: yep[ .041. ] what are their names: Ginger[ .042. ] what kind of animals are they: d0g..: S C H 0 0 L[ .043. ] are you still in school: yeah[ .044. ] did you drop out: umm.noo[ .045. ] current gpa:[ .046. ] favorite grade: Umm..[ .047. ] least favorite grade: Uhh..[ .048. ] favorite teacher: mr. Miss.Unfried[ .049. ] least favorite teacher: Miss.Trapp~~UgHh![ .050. ] favorite subject: DraMa[ .051. ] least favorite subject: Umm.almost.all.of.them..[ .052. ] do/did you buy lunch or bring it: i.dont.rember?[ .053. ] play any sports on the school's team: Eww..heakk.NO![ .054. ] do/did you do any extracurricular activities: Yahh.Speech!![ .055. ][ .056. ] favorite dance: UmmM..[ .057. ] favorite memory:[ .058. ] favorite memory you want to have: NoT..tElLiN..!;-)[ .059. ] least favorite memory: UgHh..sChOol![ .060. ] most humiliating moment: ... F A V 0 R i T E S[ .061. ] number: 13[ .062. ] letter: .... K[ .063. ] shoes: K-SwIsS![ .064. ] saying(s): ThAtS HOT,s0.Fetch[ .065. ] TV show: Degrassi[ .066. ] sport: Cheer~~Yahh.thts.a.spOrT![ .067. ] vegetable: EwW!![ .068. ] fruit: GrApEs![ .069. ] movie: mean girls[ .070. ] magazine: j-14[ .071. ] actor: ahh idk[ .073. ] candy: AlL[ .074. ] gum:[ .075. ] scent: Whut?[ .076. ] candy bar: hMm.[ .077. ] ice cream flavor: c0oKieS n' cReAm[ .078. ] color: Hot.PiNk![ .079. ] season: SuMmEr[ .080. ] holiday: Mi.brithdayy.and.Christmas![ .081. ] band:[ .082. ] singer: ummm[ .083. ] group: huh?[ .084. ] rapper:[ .085. ] type of music: all kinds[ .086. ] thing in your room: Mi.CLOTHES![ .087. ] place to be: Mall,Cheer,with.mi.friends..[ .089. ] tv channel: the-n[ .090. ] junk food:[ .091. ] overall food: chinese!!![ .092. ] store: AeRoPoStAlE![ .093. ] hangout: Anyywhere..[ .094. ] fast food:![ .095. ] restaurant: Apple.Bees![ .096. ] shape: umm?[ .097. ] time of day: night~~Everything.gets.hotter.wen.the.sUn.goes.down..[ .098. ] country: ] state: Anywhere.with.a.BeAcH...[ .100. ] boys name:[ .101. ] girls name: Tori,Tapangah[ .102. ][ .103. ] video game: [ .104. ] shampoo: uhh idk[ .105. ] board game: Candy.Land~~Jk!![ .106. ] computer game: sims[ .107. ] car: PoRsCh[ .108. ] music video: uHh idk[ .109. ] swear word: Umm..[ .110. ] word:[ .111. ] month: JUNe[ .112. ] cartoon character: ... umm..[ .113. ] scary movie:HoUse Of WaX!![ .114. ] team: .. don't know[ .115. ] possession: Mi.clothess..: WHATS THE FiRST THiNG Y0U TH0UGHT 0F WHEN Y0U HEAR..[ .116. ] eminem: Gangster.GuYY[ .117. ] dog: ginger[ .118. ] hot:Summer[ .119. ] britney spears: Pretty [ .120. ] nsync: UgHh![ .121. ] real world:!!!.122. ] orange: Oranges