Photoshop, reading, movies, music, travel... anything and everything really.
The Jetsons and an alien from Jupiter (a Jupitian?)
My taste in music is so eclectic - I'll listen to anything from Mozart to Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
V for Vendetta, William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet, Moulin Rouge, Dirty Dancing, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Phantom of the Opera, Amelie, Donnie Darko, Cube, Saw, High School Musical!!!, Army of Darkness, Centre Stage, Bring it On, La Vita e Bella, The Notebook, The Princess Bride, The Matrix, Pirates of the Carribean
Grey's Anatomy, the X-Files, Friends, Scrubs, Rove, Dead Like Me
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Jean M. Auel, Julia Quinn, Aristophanes, Karen Marie Moning, JK Rowling, Sidney Sheldon
My friends and family. I love you all :)