Stilblüte profile picture


I am a motelcrew member - what about you

About Me

The aim to design is to define space - Myspace Codes

My Interests

BELTED & BOOTED visual design, japan, fashion&design, Sport, dietüber alles zieht an die Liebe, die da ist das Band der Vollkommenheit. (Kolosser 3,14 )
himugegeli... ... . : : .:: :.get upX surviveX go back to bed

I'd like to meet:

**********************SUPERMAN************************* people who dance like idiots and think fastmy bed / kurligi things / meine brille / an asymmetrical haircut / diggin deeper / das vergessene joghurt aufm bücherregal / chasperli / the dance in your face / extrais parfum cokko di marokko / ligu lehm sans lehm / 100 meter springturm / one armed scissor / kitchen masta xxxxx /




Léon der profi.Barfuss.Amelie.Nackt *For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake." - Alfred Hitchcock


SIMPSONS & sendungen ohne ton mit chinesischem untertitel


the bible, agnes, oskar und die dame in rosa, phonebookPimpYoPage.Com

My Blog

What's that?

It's greater than godawful as demonthe poor  have itthe lucky need itand if you eat it, you will die..
Posted by Stilblüte on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 11:19:00 PST

sometimes i get the feeling that i won't be on this planet

for very long i really like it here i'm quite attached to it i hope i'm wrong all i really wanna say is you're the reason i wanna stay i loved you before i met you and i met you just in time 'cause th...
Posted by Stilblüte on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 10:49:00 PST