About Me
Yong-C aKa S.Christopher est un artiste à part entière car il fait tout lui même, ses montages photos, videos, écritures etc... ils ce prend en main dit-il pour éviter la perte de temps.En bref,
Tout droit sorti du quartier de la madeleine d'Evreux (27), Yong-C fut confronté à certaine difficultée familliale ce qui du à son caractère le poussa à s'enfermer dans son monde, le laissant entre le Sport, ses potes, le quartier et sa chambre dans laquelle il écrivit son premier texte en 2000 alors qu'il n'a que 12 ans sur une instrumental du B.O.S.S donnée par un de ses grands frères, c'est seulement que quelque année plus tard qu'il pris le Rap au serieux vu que ses occupations étaient le basket, ses potes et le quartier.
Aujourd'hui amène son Style a part selon certain rappeur, son flow distinct et surtout ses textes et sa voix qui font que Yong-C, 20 ans ce démarque dans le Rap Game français, sa première mixtape "27000-Soldier" S'annonce "Trés Sale" Comme il dit si bien!D'origine gwadeloupéene ses ambitions sont tournée vers la conccurence du Continent Américain, il dit et répete 'On peux etre meilleurs que les Kainry', et compte bien le prouver à sa façon...
Yong-C aKa S.Christopher is a fully loaded artist because he does everything himself, Pictures and videos Editing, Writting...He takes care of himself as he says to take care of time that poeple waste.
Quickly, straight out of the suburb Madeleine "Evreux" (27), He was early confronted to family problems which due to his state of mind made that he has been locked up in his own world, Between sport , friends, the hood and his bedroom in which one he wrote his first lyrics in 2000 while he was 12 years old on a B.O.S.S's Instrumental gave by one of his big brothers.
It's only few years later that he took Rap seriously see that his Hobbies were Basket ball, Friends and stay in the hood.Nowaday he bring his own part has style, as a lot of Rapper says it's thanks to his "Unbreakable Flow" his voice and his Lyrics that make that Yong-C 20 Years old is Unique in the French rap game.
His first Mixtape "27000 Soldier" it's about to be "Dirty" as he says everytime!
From Guadeloupe his ambitions are turned to the competiton against the USA.
He says again and again "We can be better than the USA" and wants to prouve it his way...