snowboarding, paintball, movies, cartoons (but not anime), video games, macintosh computers, spy stuff, the internet, playing with intranets, music, jennifer garner (pre ben assflick, i mean afleck), eliza dushku, collecting alias, futurama, and family guy dvds.... hanging out with my closest pals, singing in my car (cough..charger.. cough), witty comebacks, politics, economics, psychology, watching the latest new movie, listening to my (mostly stolen) mp3 collection, downloading (mostly pirated) movies..then buying them on dvd later, oh and drinking.... but not too much
Only the world's awesomest people please.... JK! I want to know everyone, so if you like what you see or want to send spam push that friend button, ya know you want to!!! (If you send spam, I will instantly instruct the NSA spy sat network to fire its "lasers" at your toaster, so don't say you weren't warned!!)
Diverse tastes to include (in order of listening preference): rock, alternative, techno, r&b, jazz, classical, country
so as not to repeat another ridiculously long list i'll make it simple. I like pretty much anything. I watch it as soon as it comes out or download it if i'm lazy. I buy lots of DVDs(there are some in my collection that I haven't seen yet), I admit i'm a movie whore!! Comedy, action, scifi, fantasy, drama, independent; I enjoy them all. I do get impatient if there is alot of dead space(aka character development) in movies; my time is important so why waste it on unecessary plot explanations or elaborate setups.Specifically i like movies that make you think, make you feel better, or engage pretty much any reaction at all.The only movie i really ever wanted my ticket money back was "Reign of Fire."
alias, 24, futurama, family guy, csi, the 4400, the dead zone, battlestar galactica, suzie orman show, kids next door, jimmy neutron, teen titans, attack of the show, jeopardy, farscape, stargate sg-1, stargate atlantis, dexter
I don't schedule my time around watching these things, I use my Media Center or buy the DVDs later.
Authors: Tom Clancy (Early Works), Douglas Adams, Eric Nylund (The Halo Series), JRR Tolkien I also like Technical Manuals with endless tables of specifications and obscure acronyms
singer/songwriters/actors - i like true artists that can do it all, or more importantly have actually experienced strife in their live and tap into that when performing. Its all about expression, man!!Polymaths-Copernicus, Da Vinci, etc.