My Beauty Jamie is by far the most interesting, but i'm also interested in....Music, Music, Music, Composing, Playing, Listening.... Beer, Physics, TREK, Uufoh, Coast to Coast AM everynight religiously. My band Amber Alert, jammin with like minded musicians, takin pictures, Video games, Audio Books, watching movies, BENNIES!!!!, the coffee club with the anime kids, drinking rockstars, getting tattooed when I can afford to, going to shows, hanging out with my dog, I like doing spontaneous things with out thinking about them first. It makes life exciting. I also like avoiding 12 steppers. Get the Fuck Outta Here.
I want to meet the following people... George Carlin, The Dali Lama, Criss Angel(I'd so fuckin buy that dude a beer.) Snoop Dogg, Steven Spielberg and William Shatner. As well as anyone who likes good tunes, good buds ;), and isn't all about Drama. I like most people and enjoy getting to know them, if they are for real. I'd also like to meet and extraterrestrial or a time traveler if you're real.
In my opinion there are only two kinds of music. Good music, and Shitty Music. I enjoy good music. I dislike shitty music.I enjoy many too many artists to name, however I made a play list of not all of my favorites, but songs i enjoy. hope you do too!
ALL STAR TREK MOVIES........Kill Bill 1&2, Taxi Driver, Edward Scissorhands, Blow, Ernest Saves Christams, The Big Lebowski, Raging Bull, Gummo, Bordello of Blood, The Godfather, The Fly, Scarface, Batman, Inncoent Blood, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween 1, 2 , 4, 5, and 6, Jason x, Freddy Vs. Jason, Night of The Living Dead, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Wizard of Oz, An American Werewolf in London, Star Trek II, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Finding Nemo, Half Baked, Spun, Interview With the Vampire, Hedwig and the Angry Inch. Any Vampire Movie.
Star Trek :TNG/Voyager/DS9/Enterprise/original series/animated series.....The Simpsons, The OC, Southpark, the history channel, biography, national geographic channel, seinfeld, the o'riley factor, Survivor man.
Better than Sex, Communion, The Stand, The Catcher in The Rye, The Toynbee Convector, I Sing The Body Electric, Firestarter, The Quickening, The Hobbit, Boy's Life, Insomnia, A man in Full.I reccomend Nothing in this book is true but it's exactly the way things are by bob frissle. Right now I'm reading Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game" again.
My Dad, George Carlin, Hunter Burgan, My Doggy Hadassah, Chris, Addy, Chode, Brian.