About Me
Hello there, I'm ry ry™. You may have heard of me from myspace, maybe not. The point of this whole site is to support gay marriages and help me tell the world that it's okay to be gay! My friend here is bisexual and I am a homosexual. There is totally nothing wrong with it! And if you don't agree with it, don't insult us.. just talk to us about it. We'll be more than happy to explain anything to you. If you have any questions, just ask one of the owners on this site. And if you support, please put the support ry ry banner on your profile. It would be much appreciated. If you want my personal myspace it's myspace.com/xreyenx68 . I am one of the owners of this site.. and here is another one:
HEY, i am ALLZON aka Alison.I am a creator of this site along with Ry Ry. You may have heard of me from some people on here I am loved by many.I AM BI SEXUAL, and I dont give u crap about being straight so dont bother me or Ry Ry about it.If u have any questions for me add me on my page or just email me and I will contact u as soon as possible.