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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Let's all surpress our rage together, shall we?

My Interests

Kitchen gadgets, old school robots, writing, music, karaoke, my beautiful and freakishly smart daughter, yoga, competitive eating, caffinated beverages, gardenias, smiths lore, tattoos, flip flops, cat eye glasses, 50s memorabilia, old cookbooks with disgusting photos, tight cardigan sweaters, chunky black hipster glasses, alton brown, buffy the vampire slayer, men who bathe regularly, freaky quirky autobiographies (especially the ones involving some sort of vice), food snobbery, peanut butter, bacon, roasted duck, garlic, asparagus, tuna (rare and ahi; not canned), sushi, nigella lawson, high scofield ratings, bikini underwear, brit pop, groovy organ, exaggeration, misanthropy, gallows humor, books about addiction and recovery, toasters, pleated skirts, shoes with ankle straps, clavical bones on women, dark hair, muscians and painters, the Ricky Gervais Show, Found magazine (www.found.com) and debunkery.oh, and malcontents, sarcasm and schadenfreude.

I'd like to meet:

Those who will banter.


the beatles, the smiths (special and pathetic is my love for the smiths), the beach boys, david bowie, they might be giants, sahara hotnights, amy winehouse, the charlatans, cat power, coldplay, flaming lips, the bee gees, queen, lovin' spoonful (quite possibly the single most underrated band of all time), the zombies, nick drake, jeff buckley, beck, kings of leon, the monkees, marvin gaye, morrissey all by hisself, the lemonheads, stereolab, social distortion, lily allen, the kinks, the ramones, the von bondies, mooney suzuki, the gore gore girls, the bees, grandaddy, beastie boys, the clash, miles davis, coltrane, chris whitley, brian jonestown massacre, gordon lightfoot, elvis costello, patsy cline, johnny cash, stephen sondheim, and that should do it until I add a thousand more bands in a few minutes.


about a boy, american splendor, being john malkovich, back to the future, best in show, best years of our lives, big fish, bishop's wife, the breakfast club, carnival of souls, clay pigeons, clerks, clueless, dazed and confused, double indemnity, down with love, fast times at ridgemont high, fight club, finding nemo, 40 year old virgin, garden state, the graduate, haiku tunnel, high fidelity, the incredibles, indiana jones, LA Confidential, LA story, lock stock and two smoking barrels, lost in translation, made, mall rats, monsters inc, muppet movie, nightmare before christmas, oh brother where art thou?, oceans eleven, the philadelphia story, pretty in pink, princess bride, raising arizona, end of the century: the story of the ramones, rock and roll high school, reefer madness, the royal tenenbaums, rushmore, school of rock, sideways, singles, sixteen candles, so i married an axe murder, superbad, swingers, this is spinal tap, uncle buck, the wizard of oz, when harry met sally, waiting for guffman.


the simpsons, the office (BBC & NBC), arrested development (RIP), cheap seats (RIP), MST3K (RIP), curb your enthusiasm, buffy the vampire slayer (RIP), angel (RIP), futurama (RIP).everything i love gets cancelled.


are you there, god? it's me, margaret, THEM: adventures with extremists, slaughterhouse five, choke and chuck palahniuk (although i swore him off after the abomination that was lullabye), high fidelity, how to be good and nick hornby in general, sex drugs and cocoa puffs (if only because i love to hate chuck klosterman), how soon is never, catcher in the rye, heart of darkness, anything tom robbins, a confederacy of dunces, martin amis, christopher moore, nathaniel hawthorne, douglas coupland (but still on the fence about girlfriend in a coma), laurie notaro (even though she's not as funny now that she's sober and married), sarah vowell, anthony bourdain and kitchen confidential, hotel bemelmens, any other tawdry expose on the service industry, a million little pieces, permanent midnight, any other tawdry expose on addiction and recovery, quirky autobiographia.
and sedaris, natch. but saying you think he's funny is tantamount to admitting that yes, you do like to breathe air.


David Lawrence Armstrong.

My Blog

Fastrack Cynicism

I've been working here long enough to see six office mates come and go.  The first one was Tracy.  She was pleasant enough, kept to herself most of the time, avoided giving me busywork if sh...
Posted by Kandy on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 10:42:00 PST


When we moved to Saugerties, Madeline was still tiny, teetering around in her Pampers, just learning about how the potty works.  Barely weened, Madeline's second birthday was still three months a...
Posted by Kandy on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 12:53:00 PST

A Note on my Pin Ups

I know.  They're very inappropriate, aren't they?  Just look at them.  No, look at all of them, you filthy whores, not just the one where I'm upside down.  Look at the inappropriat...
Posted by Kandy on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 10:53:00 PST

Harold the Fourth

Harold died yesterday, and after careful consideration, we decided we should tell Madeline.   The recently deceased Harold is actually Harold the Fourth, so named because he is the fourth in a l...
Posted by Kandy on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 10:26:00 PST

What Hath God Wrought?

Well. I don't know about your families, but in mine, another holiday fatality has been averted for at least one more year.  Let's hope the trend continues unabated. Easter is the most baffling ...
Posted by Kandy on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 01:02:00 PST


"Wanna hear something scandalous?" Andrea* needlessly asked, to which I predictably replied, "what do you think?" "I heard that Oscar knocked up his girlfriend, and they've only been together for four...
Posted by Kandy on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 09:05:00 PST

it's just time.

My office is a mess.  In fact, it's gotten so bad that when the carpets needed shampooing (after I dumped about 4 cups of coffee on the floor in one week), the cleaning crew sent an emissary to h...
Posted by Kandy on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 11:30:00 PST

Blasphemous Coat

To look at me now, you'd never know that I wore a leather trench daily, not only voluntarily but with impunity, secure in the delusion that I looked completely hot in it.  It was pretty much wha...
Posted by Kandy on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 12:55:00 PST

shut up you fucking baby

Written early today& Hi guys. I have a splitting migraine. I'm not sure why, but it seems to be related to my hitting the pavement in running shoes for only the second time since I broke my foot back...
Posted by Kandy on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 06:27:00 PST


She slumps her way down the hallway, dragging the heels of her shoes behind as if they're just too heavy for her to deal with.  Like she's telling everyone within earshot, "you know what?  I...
Posted by Kandy on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 10:25:00 PST