Try the BEST MySpace Editor at MySpace Toolbox !background-color:00ccff; background-image:url(); background-position:Center Center; background-attachment:scroll; background-repeat:no-repeat; border-color:cc00ff; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; } table table table table{ background-image:none; } table table table table, table table table td{ border-style:none; } BEGINMYSPACETOOLBOXBACKUP VERSION 1.0;;cc00ff; ; Center Center; scroll; no-repeat; ff00cc; ; ; ; ; ; ; 9900ff; ; ; ; ; ; ; ff00ff; ; ; ; ; ; ; 0066ff; ; ; ; ; ; ; 00ccff; ; Center Center; scroll; no-repeat; cc00ff; solid; 1px;;ENDMYSPACETOOLBOXBACKUP
Try the BEST MySpace Editor at MySpace Toolbox