Elvis & Stitch profile picture

Elvis & Stitch

RIP: stormy we will never forget

About Me

elvis im a big boy. i also got some funcy fur thing going on my head which is why my mommy named be elvis. as being the big boy i like to pick on my big brother. but i often nice to him sharing food and grooming him. im also and expert when it comes to escaping mommys clouches. pushing stitch out of the bust bath and runing on the flying saucer.
Did you ever notice when the sun goes down Out of nowhere comes a strange and pretty sound It's a whistling tune for walking in the night If you listen you can hear it in the breeze Specially when the breeze is drifting through the treesIt's a whistling tune for walking in the night And the murmuring waters sing the song The echoing mountains hum along The whispering valleys fill the air With a whistling tune our hearts can shareIt's so wonderful to walk beneath the moon Listening to old mother nature's favorite tune It's a whistling tune for walking in the night
stitch Aloha!
im very small compared to my brother. mommys not even sure if were from the same breeder but it doesnt matter cause he will always be brother. im names stitch cause im small but can be wild. mommy says theres somthing wrong with me either im add or bipoler. one second im up and about next im down for the count.oh im also a vanpire. im often found sleeping next to elvis but im often lached to his neck mommy thinks its funny...out of the two of us i was the free one. and hey ladys... were both single!
Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten.
This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good.
stormyi was a 12 week old stander gray chinchilla. i was saved from a breeder on april 19 2007 i was beeing housed with my sister and a dead baby chinchilla. mommy thought she was saving me from a bad situation but sadly i died 6 days later on april 25 2007. RIP stormy... you will be missedDo believe I'll never leave you: Always I'll be in your heart. Don't forget my soul is near you, And so we'll never be apart.Do believe I'll never leave you: Always I'll be in your heart. Don't forget my soul is near you: Death might take my presence from you, Yet we'll never be apart.
Tiny paws reach for me in my dreams as you did in life taking my heart in your small fingers in the brief time allotted to you. I feel your whiskers on my cheek, hear your diminutive chirrup in my ear near the shoulder that you loved to snuggle on.I reach to touch the ethereal, velvety softness that was you but grasp only heartache and hard reality.I am disconcerted that something so little and fragile should leave such a large hole and such a powerful ache.I find myself weeping for joy never to be shared, baby kisses lost to the wind and the missing piece of my heart.These you take with you along with my love.What might have been.... difficult words oft spoken in fading whispers with a sigh.
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My Interests

sitting on my purch
hiding in my box
making load noses
buging each other
and most of all looking cute

I'd like to meet:

other chinchillas on myspace and other rodent,cat, and animals of anytime.... and i guess chinchilla lovers evern if that mean humansgot food?
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i dont like noise im a very skiddish animal. *coosh coosh*
but i do make my own music and my own verity of sounds


why are there no movies out there about chinchillas huh?


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my mom. she tryed to save me when no one else whould. i hope some day i can return the favor

My Blog

i got tagged by sprite

..> ..>   I've been tagged by sprite Here are the rules. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their own ...
Posted by Elvis & Stitch on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 01:39:00 PST

update on the boys

both- we went from being scared of mom and now when she in the room we run staight for the door cause we want to go out and play with mommy. we always sleep next to each other. and we are the great te...
Posted by Elvis & Stitch on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 03:04:00 PST

chinchilla questions

What's your name?? stormy What's your mommy/owners name? mary What breed are you? stand gray chinchilla How much did you cost? 98 dollars What's your favorite toy? cardboard box Do you always walk or ...
Posted by Elvis & Stitch on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 07:48:00 PST