Rausch profile picture


That gum you like is going to come back in style.

About Me

The sound of James Taylor's voice makes me physically nauseous. I mean no disrespect to the man; it's just that when I hear one of his songs, I suddenly find myself both filled with rage and wanting to curl up on a stretch of cool linoleum.

My Interests

Why is it that when an actor stips naked on a stage it's called art, but when other people do it we get banned from the mall?

I'd like to meet:

I shy away from the word "cult," but let's just say that I'm looking for like-minded people who wouldn't mind joining an organization called The Church of Rausch. Also, someone who can get the knots out of my back.


Alphabetical order style: Afghan Whigs, Alkaline Trio, Archers of Loaf, the Beatles, Beck, Beulah, Bloc Party, Broken Social Scene, Chin Up Chin Up, the Clash, Clutch, Sam Cooke, Elvis Costello, Crooked Fingers, Dead Kennedys, Deftones, Dinosaur Jr, Drive-By Truckers, Eels, Failure, Fitz of Depression, Fluf, Fugazi, F.Y.P., Grade, the Hold Steady, Hum, Jesus and Mary Chain, the Killers, Kings of Leon, Korn, Leftover Crack, John Lennon, Jenny Lewis, Mclusky, Misfits, Mos Def, the National, Operation Ivy, the Paper Chase, Pavement, the Pixies, Polyphonic Spree, Prince, Pulp, Radiohead, Rival Schools, the Roots, Frank Sinatra, Sofa Glue, Spoon, Suicide Machines, Tripping Daisy, TV on the Radio, Twilight Singers, Tom Waits, the Walkmen


Annie Hall, Rushmore, North by Northwest, Fletch, 8 1/2, JFK, Grosse Pointe Blank, Vertigo, Shadows and Fog, Dogma, Manhattan, the Contender, All the President's Men, the Thin Man, Seven, Ghostbusters, High Fidelity, the Die Hard flicks, Mulholland Dr, Wonder Boys, Wet Hot American Summer, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Burbs, the Ninth Gate, Caddyshack, the Apartment


Sports Night, Twin Peaks, Arrested Development, Lost, Psych, Six Feet Under, Curb Your Enthusiasm, NBA League Pass, Seinfeld, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Monk, Prison Break, Entourage, Sportscenter, Countdown with Keith Olbermann


Anything by Christopher Moore or Tom Robbins. I also get my rocks off to Chuck Palahniuk, Kurt Vonnegut, Caleb Carr, Mark Twain, the Harry Potter stuff, and any ESPN.com column by Bill Simmons which - ok - isn't a book, but let's not get persnickity over it


Tom Waits, Steve Nash, and our 44th President Barack Obama

My Blog

The Face of Evil

The Anti-Christ has returned to the earth, in the form of a point guard in a Golden State Warriors uniform. If you see this man on the street run for your lives.      ...
Posted by Rausch on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 10:17:00 PST

Holiday Drunk

I woke up yesterday morning and something felt different. Sure, the inside of my lip still smarted from an unfortunate incident where I somehow defied all rational logic and bit myself while eating. I...
Posted by Rausch on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 12:09:00 PST

I Beat Kurt Cobain

It has recently come to my attention that I have now lived on this planet for over 27 and one half years. What this means in practical terms is that I have been able to rent a car for two years in the...
Posted by Rausch on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 08:21:00 PST

Dying With Decent Music

I am relatively certain that I am going to die in a car crash. Why I believe this (or, at the very least, believe it is a stronger possibility than, say, dying in an avalanche or from a freak nail-gun...
Posted by Rausch on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 08:27:00 PST