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About Me

get your groove on...!everything is beating in the same, rythmic way..our heartz,our feet, the music vibes, the colours, paintings and artworks, the shapes on walls, dancefloors, the words in books, signs..harmony is always there:) Myspace Layouts

My Interests

Everything that clears up my mind and nurishes my visions

I'd like to meet:

Be sincere


house music @ lovely placez:) drums and percutions that battle, voices that wisper gospel lyrics, oldskool scratchy,savage soundz, the flute, the bass, the deep deep underground, the happy funky playfull is a matter to me..and a way of life


fear and loathing in Las Vegas

My Blog

house music history

The History Of HouseIt's been twenty years since the first identifiably house tracks were put on to vinyl, ten years which have changed the technology behind the electronic music revolution beyond rec...
Posted by anastasia on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 01:01:00 PST

dance culturismmmmmmmmm....

I think we do not spend much time or energy to speak about the most important way of expressing feelings in house music...dancing is foundamental, it gets as back to the roots and the history of this ...
Posted by anastasia on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 07:48:00 PST