drinkin liquors, smokin cigars and weeds, taking all the kind of drugs, love to kidnapp rich persons, holdapping the banks, chillin in prison..
Myspace Graphics
aLL real humAn..not faKers and preTenders!
want to earn more friEnds and lovErs..haha..
i hate lieRs also so if u know that ur one of them get outta mah liFe fucking asshoLe..
mspmb enableJavascript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allownetworking="internal" name="RAOCXplayer" src="http://www.jenniferlopez.com/video/JenniferLopez_HoldYo uDownVidFull_450.asx" type="application/x-mplayer2" width="320" height="265" ShowC.."1" ShowStatusBar="0" AutoSize="false" loop="true" EnableC.."0" DisplaySize="0"
horrOrs, suspense, love story, and porns..loL ;)
encyclopedia, websTer, bibLe, magazines (fhm,playboy) :p
jose riZal, andres bOnifacio