Well, I like to think of myself as a scientist by day, and a rock star by night. Both of which are slightly skewed but mostly true, and maybe not quite be as cool as they sound. Did I also mention that I can fly? I like talking openly about it because it makes people insanely jealous. I am most likely hungry, and probably have to pee. I also believe that if cacti could talk they would speak in Klingon, therefore they would only being able to communicate with dorks. I like dorks, they're fun in a way that usually makes for an unusually weird time. This makes me unbelievably attracted to them and makes them slightly afraid of me. I have a cat who thinks she is a dog, probably all the drugs she did when she was a kitten. My other cat is a lion from lollypop land. I really want an R.V., this would complete my life. I would drive it everywhere and hit a lot of stuff. Like poles, boys named Matt, houses, cars, pedestrians, mailboxes, fire hydrants (because that would be cool), and other things like that.
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