Ava D. profile picture

Ava D.

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a fun-loving introvert who is somewhat shy. I like to write, draw, doodle or do anything that involves pencil and paper. I am the crusader who will cut for the underdog. I teach students with behavior problems (emotional disturbances) and I absolutely love my kids. The best way to get on my bad side is to mistreat one of my babies.For as long as I can remember, I have always loved music. That part of me was inherited from the Stewart side of the family. I am a member of a group (Ronald Materre and the Inspirational Voices of Praise) and I sing to my students constantly. Music is just one of the tools I use to motivate them or calm them down (it actually works).I believe in the power of words and I would one day like to publish some of my poems. That's all I know about me... well, that's not all I know, but it's enough for now.(LOL)I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

My interests are writing poetry, baking, ceramics, singing, traveling, reading and designing the floor plan for my future estate home. I am also a shoe queen. I hold a black belt in shoe shopping (DSW & Nordstroms). I sold shoes for several years and that only intensified the fetish...

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet my friends on Myspace whom I have not already met.


I am an eclectic when it comes to music. It's easier to say what I absolutlely don't like... rap, heavy metal and country.I can bang the screw on anything else! Richard Smallwood, Alvin Slaughter, Walter Hawkins, Tramaine Hawkins, Sandy Patti and anyone with the last name Winans are some of my all-time favorite singers. That Fire Choir at Solid Rock Church in Ohio is absolutely awesome!I found that it really helps me to have worship music playing in my house during the day and my favorite songs right now are "Grace" by Alvin Slaughter and "You Are King" by Brian Dunlap.


I don't go to the theater often, but when I do go, I want it to be worth my while. The last movie I saw in the theater was "Freedom Writers". I loved that movie because it was about 2 of my passions... motivating young people to realize their potential and writing. I am a fan of "Anne of Green Gables" and I have all of the movies on DVD.


My favorite shows are: Wednesday with Beth (Moore), Grey's Anatomy, M*A*S*H, Bishop TD Jakes, Ed Young (the son) preached a sermon - "Who Are You Wearing" - good investment, Dr. Ed Young (the dad), Sisters with Darlene Bishop (she has a series entitled "Why Won't People Pray?" - definitely worth purchasing) and I now arrange my schedule so that I am home when Bill Purvis comes on. He is a really good teacher. I also watch Judy Jacobs Now and if I stay awake long enough, I will watch Praise The Lord on TBN.


I have read "Stand Strong" by Judy Jacobs; "A Bridge Called Hope" by Kim Meeder and "The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd. These books were soooo hard to put down. I have read several books by Joyce Meyer (Battlefield of the Mind is my all time favorite), Darlene Bishop, Jensen Franklin and TD Jakes. I recently read "Total Forgiveness" by R.T. Kendal. I also read "The Memory Keeper's Daughter". It pulled at my heart on so many levels. Before that I read "Ya Ya's in Bloom". It was a good read, but I still like the movie better. Judy Jacob's other book "Take It By Force" is a good one, too.


Jesus is my only hero. He has gone where no man has ever gone before. He can walk on water. He is a healer and there is no place in my life He has not touched. He is my deliverer and definitely my keeper. He is able to liberate those who are prisoners in their own minds. He protects me from myself. This is not rhetoric. I know that my life is as well as it is because of Him. GO, JESUS, GO!