Paul was born in Borås Sweden 1960. Hes dad was working in U.S. In New Jersey early in Pauls life. But hes dad went back to Sweden 1979.And never returned to U.S.A. again. Paul was one of four members, who startded the band 1981 "Big Hozz And The Animals" And it was a success. The real Swedish metalband was born. He was playing the bass in the band. He also worked with the Swedish giant of musicals, Peter Jöback 1986-1988 as a studiomusician and soundtechnician. It worked that well. Today he is making hes own stuff. All instruments played by Paul him self. All vocal. Background vocal. Guitars, saxophone cello keyboard and so on. All by Paul. He is also working with a lot of artists and bands for making their videos.