Tom profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Welcome to Tom's MySpace profile - bigger, better, new, improved and ribbed for your sensation.

I live and work in the UK and spend a lot of time listening to music, tinkering with computers and eating food I shouldn't.

The upcoming movie has got me thinking - if you were a Transformer, what would you transform into and why?

After taking a couple of days off work to ponder this conundrum, I have finally decided that road-based Transformers are clearly for the weak. Airbourne all the way baby. I'd be a helicopter. A helicopter with big guns. And snazzy paintwork.

Let me know what you'd choose and why!

My Interests

Fast cars, loose women, class 'A' narcotics and efficiently written object oriented code.

I'd like to meet:

Yo Momma.


Far, far, far too many to list here. Ask me!


Love lots of films. Best movie moments ever: opening scene of Full Metal Jacket in the boot camp, the prometory scene from Last of the Mohicans, seeing Verbal can walk properly!


Family Guy, Blackadder, 24.


Perfume, The Old Man and the Sea, Flashman, Shadow of the Wind.


General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett, Glenn Quagmire, Mark Corrigan, Jet from Gladiators.