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ThE CaRaMeL DIcApRiO AKA ThE DoMinICaN ChRiS bRoWN AKA J StUnnAJiMMy StUnTs born AND rAIseD iN QuEEnS N.y. and NOW lIVinG iN BrOWardCoUnTy f.L. VIA CharLoTTe N.c.PrOdUCer/RaPPer/$ong aRRangeR/$onG WriTer/MuSical GenUiS=================================================cuRRe
ntly woRkinG oN mAkinG a NeW c.D. in DaDe/BrOwaRd coUnty...I WiLL bE WriTinG/ProDucIng/ProFormiNG, lOOkinG to DisTribUteC.d.s In the ThousaNds, ProFOrming ShoWs, GeTTinG mAngeMent, MakInGVideOs aNd JuSt GOinG foR ThE GoLD 110% .....aPPox. DaTe of C.d. OcT. 07=================================================
BeeN maKiN MuSIk for a FeW BuT thIs uPcOminG woRk Is tHe PerFectPlatForM FoR biGGer ThIngS aNd tO fInAllY sEE wHeRe mY DesTinY wIllTaKe mE. I nEEd All Ya SUppORt 4 tHiS 1. FoLLow mE....Stunna SuckaFreeStyle
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