What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? Fruit Punch
Beverage (alc) ? Bacardi
Color ? Red
Food ? Chicken
Item of clothing ? Shirt
Meal of the day ? Chicken Finger Basket
Feature on yourself ? My Wood
Quality in a guy/girl ? Mind
Phrase ? You Already Know
Song ? Let's Make Luv In The Studio
Musical Artist/Band ? South Point Artist
Sport ? Football
Movie ? Any Movie That Stars D. Washington
TV Show ? College Hill
Radio Station ? 103.5 Before Star Got Fired
Type of Chocolate ? White
Eye Color ? Something Diffrent
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? 2
Smoke ? Yes Black & Milds
Drink ? Yes
Have any piercings ? Had. Left Ear
Have any tatoos ? Naw
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend Yes
Had sex ? Yes
Gone streaking ? Naw
Gone skinny dipping ? Naw
Been to Europe ? Naw
Been to an island ? Yea
Had stitches ? Naw
Broken any bones ? Naw
Been stabbed/shot ? Yea
Slept until after 12:00 ? Always
Stayed up all night ? Always
Danced like a whore ? What
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? Yea
Turned down a dare ? Yea
Which friend....
Is the funniest ?
Is the prettiest ?
Is the most handsom ?
Is the loudest ?
Is the craziest ?
Is the most loving ?
Is the most understanding ?
Is the most boring ?
Is the richest ? Mario
Is the most athletic ?
Is the most cocky ? My Brother
Is the biggest sex icon ?
Is the most wordly/cultured ?
Do you look up to the most ?
Do you tell everything to ?
Has the best clothes ?
Has the best house ?
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? How Much & We Talkin
Kiss someone of the same sex ? .....Naw
Cheat on someone you love ? Yea
Run away from home ? LOL Naw
Lie to your parents ? Got Tired Of It
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? O yes
Lie to your best friend ? Naw
Give a homeless person money ? Yea
Run from the police ? LOL Yea
Bungee jump ? Yes
Sky dive ? Yes
Cross dress ? Naw
Be an exotic dancer ? To Big
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? Yes
Scuba dive ? Yes
Go rock climbing ? Naw
Go spulunking (caving) ? Hell No
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? Sell Out
Bologna ? What
Hott ? My Gurl
Orange ? Juice
Real world ? MTV
Fuck ? Wild Sex
Jack ? Masterbation
Cucumber ? Can't Answer That. I've Seen Some Wierd Shit
Hip-Hop ? South Point Entertainment.
Uniform ? NMSH
UniCORN ! ? Heaven
Rainbow ? Gay People