I like to hang with friends, read, go to the movies and comedy clubs. I love Sports. I am a HUGE Sharks fan. And I am an Oakland A's fan as well.I also love to shop and spend quality time with my husband.
I would like to get reaquainted with old friends that I may have lost touch with or make new friends..... And I would like to find a good man that will take my girl out dancing and will treat her right..
Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com
I like so many different kinds of music..... I LOVE No Doubt and Sublime... Then I also like 50 cent, The Game, Eminem, Usher, The Black Eyed Peas, Mariah Carey, Jennifer Lopez, Metallica, Rob Thomas, Tony Lucca, Outkast, Pink, Rage Aganist The Machine, Prince, Oldies..... I even like some country music...
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My Favorite movie is Sixteen Candles...... I also like Gone with the Wind, Beauty and The Beast, The Fast and The Furious, A Man Apart, Interview with the Vampire, Grease, Finding Nemo, The Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink, A Lot Like Love, The Notebook, And Just Friends.
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I like Sex and the City, Friends, Law and order Special Victims Unit, LAGUNA BEACH, The Real World.... And I also love to watch sports Hockey, Baseball, And football.
Just finished reading the DaVinci Code, Now on to the Harry Potter series thanks to Nacho...... Anne Rice books, Vc Andrews....... Gone with the Wind, The Notebook, The Thornbirds.
My Dad cause he puts up with a lot of shit!!!! And Rich cause he puts up with all of my shit!!!!
Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com